Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why Am I Always Getting A Cold

Lies, rumors or frappe, and you like a call? In this period
to be seen everywhere, fried or baked, sprinkled with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, in all the windows of bakeries or pastry shops bring cheer during the carnival ...
Even more fun is to try them, creating forms strangest game with fantasy ...
This is our version, which promptly prepare every year during the carnival.
Good Sunday to all!

;  Bugie di Carnevale

300 gr. di farina 00
1 uovo
½ bicchiere di marsala secco
1 pizzico di sale
1 cucchiaio di zucchero
1 cucchiaio d’olio d’oliva
zucchero a velo per spolverare
olio d’oliva per friggere

Mettiamo la farina a fontana sul tavolo, uniamo lo zucchero, il sale, l’uovo, l’olio e incominciamo a impastare unendo il marsala. Formiamo una palla e lasciamo riposare una decina di minuti coperta.
Tiriamo la sfoglia con la macchina e ritagliamo con la rotella dentata delle forme, ispirandoci a quello suggests to us that our imagination, until exhaustion of the dough.

Heat oil in a pan and when hot, start to fry a few at a time, turning on both sides. Bake in a few minutes.

are cooling, sprinkle the powdered sugar and arranged on a plate.
Have fun!


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