Here we are with our trip, ready to tell you about places, cities, seen and tasted dishes according to our point of view to give you some ideas in the hope to help you.
How to get to London we do not have some stories, but if you happen to arriving in the capital to land at Gatwick, we advise you to reach the city center on the Gatwick Express, no stops and in a short more than half an hour takes you to Victoria Station in the heart of the City, at a cost of 17.90 pounds about 21 € uro.
anyone discuss the fact that London may be the capital of capital, city \u200b\u200bin 2010 is still found to the most visited in Europe, there are those who prefer the Paris, Rome or second in this ranking third on the podium of the most visited cities on the continent. Whatever the thinking of everyone, surely London is a city with a timeless feel.
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Glimpse of London - Regent Street |
Certainly the British at first glance seem a bit 'chilly, but if you attending pubs and if we learn to know them better appreciate their unique humor, will be pleasing to even the most skeptical.
The City is a melting pot and blend of traditions, so it can happen to meet with Italian, English, Indian, American and so on, alternating between the various realities of pleasant living and lifestyles.
When you arrive in a city like this, the first thing you do is make sure everything is really as you have said or seen in movies.
Taxis blacks for example, the red phone booths, buses on two floors (even red ones), the Victorian-style buildings that leave you breathless seen up close, large and spectacular parks, the oldest subway and efficient in the world, afternoon tea, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, Soho, Greenwich, Westminster Cathedral, the long tree-lined The Mall, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Regent Street, Oxford Street and then the Big Bang.
you want to see everything at once but it is not possible, then relax, maybe drinking a cup of tea accompanied by fantastic cookies burrosissimi, that invite you to taste them just looking at them, and so you realize that everything should be savored slowly.
London would not be enough to describe three posts, and since almost all know it, we'll tell you what we liked most of the capital, starting at the recreational and dining options.
lights, sounds and atmosphere, convey a feeling, fantastic shops in London let anyone pleasantly surprised.
Among the most spectacular and famous department stores Harrods and Fortnum & Mason stand out.
Fortnum & Mason is the oldest department store in London and the Queen is certainly notable for the elegance of British style, where the clerks are in tight.
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facade of Fortnum & Mason |
Founded around 1770 by a valet of King George III, whose name was in fact Charles Fortnum Mason Hug and his partner, has over time become one of the most elegant and rich stores of the world. It is for having served since its opening the royals, as well as the general public. Its location is excellent, Piccadilly Street, just steps from the busy capital's most famous Circus and between two of the most aristocratic of London, St James and Mayfair.
If you will let you capture the beautiful windows that are truly works of art, you will not regret. You will lose yourself among the elegant shelves filled with jams, honey and biscuits. You will find the famous delicious picnic baskets, the most famous products for sale with the initials of the store.
A final peculiarity of this department store is the clock, located in the impressive Victorian facade, where every hour the statues of the two founders out to be reverence.
Harrods is certainly not least, with its famous slogan "by the elephant pin" in the world's most famous department store you can find anything. There are seven floors, two underground to get lost and find the most unthinkable things, the interior of the store are inspired by ancient Egypt.
During the sales period, the deals are so amazing that the queues seem to get biblical.
The founder of this department store that has inevitably become a tourist attraction in the capital, was Charles Henry Harrod, a skilled tradesman who created by huckster an empire, moving his shop in 1849 in its current position, enlarged to the point of constructing the building that today we can all admire. A few years later, in 1898, was installed in the Mall one of the first escalator in the world. See all that Harrods has to offer at once is impossible. There are rules to run in the department store, among which is strictly forbidden to take photographs and turn backpackers. A dozen restaurants located on different floors of the warehouse will delight your palate. Of note is a pizzeria with wood oven, however, where prices are not cheap. Finally, a few curiosities, employees are about five and light bulbs that illuminate the building at dusk, about 12,000. The cost of a pound you can also use the bathrooms fantastic, you never know that some urgent need after all that running made him feel it. It seems that in May 2010 the current property has changed hands from Mohammed Al-Fayed, who was Patron of Harrods in 1985, with Qatar Holding.
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The spectacular facade of Harrods in the evening |
The London-based food is not Italian, but the variety restaurants of the capital, a melting pot of different peoples, traditions and tastes, it offers visitors plenty of choice, and the breakfasts are a spectacle of wealth and greed ....
fish and chips or, better, Fish & Chips, the dish is served as well as good in some cases, depending on the fish and oil, since it's all strictly fried. Plaice and cod fish most commonly used. Grilled meat and roast beef are also good for those who like the genre and at least in public, as well as beers, you can find tasty variations, the important thing, as always remind all of our trips, never ask Bolognese sauce or paste, that should be eaten when strictly and if you travel in Italy.
Every place you visit has its culinary specialties that are strictly taste, and respect for the place where you will find both culture and food, the rest of the travelers looking to be greedy is this ... In London you can also taste better fresh salmon, sole, and cheeses including Cheddar cheese or hard Stiliton, spicy cheese that is fermented in jars and served in spoonfuls accompanied by an excellent harbor. The trifle, apple pie and cream in a cup, desserts are good, while fine pasto spesso viene servito del vino Porto perché molto apprezzato dai londinesi.
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Tipico Pub di Londra |
I pub sono un luogo d’incontro straordinario, un’istituzione storica dalle antiche origini. Pub è l’abbreviazione di Public House “casa pubblica” fonti storiche fanno risalire i pub al medioevo, dove i viandanti si fermavano per rifocillarsi e la gente s’incontrava in uno spaccato di vita quoridiana.
I vetri smerigliati, i rivestimenti di legno anneriti e le luci un poco smorzate, potrebbero far ricordare in effetti quelli delle candele medioevali, trasportandoci nel passato attraverso un forte odore di birra.
Ogni pub di Londra ha la sua storia, raccontata dalle lampade soffuse, dai legni consumati fino alle moquette sbiadite, dove l’odore della birra e le voci di sottofondo creano un’atmosfera unica, e ti rendi conto che in quel magico posto non si vendono e consumano solo bevande, ma la gente di ogni classe sociale vi si reca indistintamente, chi per concludere affari, chi per festeggiare, chi per ritrovare amici o semplicemente per rilassarsi. Qualsiasi viaggiatore in visita nella capitale inglese, to see the real Londoners should get to enjoy a beer in one of those spaces.
For fans of the genre, among hundreds of London pubs The Bell report the located at 29 Bush Lane, seems to have them by 1666, a historic day remembered for the great fire in London, inside c 'is a list of all the owners from 1668 to the present day.
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The Bell one of the oldest pubs in London |
To conclude this first part devoted to the British capital, we want to talk about the district of Soho. The entertainment district located in the heart of the city's West End in which culminated in Piccadlly Circus. In the district there are all kinds of premises, restaurants offering specialties from around the world and where until the seventies there was a strong Italian community replaced by that of China which has transformed a part of the neighborhood in a real Tonw China.
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View of China Tonw in Soho |
Theatres, cinemas, local red-light up to fantastic music stores and libraries stocked and interesting.
few residents but many people crowded the neighborhood in which there are two beautiful squares in Golden Square, where surviving buildings in the 700, and Soho Square, the most beautiful with its lush vegetation.
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Golden Square |
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Soho Square |
Soho, whose name apparently derives from an old So-I call that hunting was practiced in those parts, is a neighborhood that you should not miss if you pass by London.
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