Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Swimsuit Mishap Stories


O King of dishes Freida, a Cimma pinn- to (the king of cold dishes, filled the top).
This is the adjective most used by our grandparents to describe the Genoa summit when, during the Easter holidays, was prepared with a ritual that often involved the entire house.
A plate of our tradition that brings back sweet memories forever ...
A pan on the fire with meat, peas, parsley and garlic sizzle issued the first perfumes that expanding the air, invaded the kitchen enticed children that amazed us, we watched the grandmother sew the stomach of a calf, leaving open loop which would pass the stuffing to fill it.
Then see the magic of inflation while simmering for nearly two hours, until once cooked, it was left to cool in two dishes with a weight on my grandmother put it very skillfully to shrink ...
Even now, when we prepare, besides appreciating the goodness of the dish that often those who do not like it too much like the flesh, we remember fondly the excitement of those children that roamed in the kitchen waiting to taste the king of the cold dishes ...
La Cima genovese! (A Cimma pinn-a)

Even this traditional dish as in all regional recipes, some ingredients in the stuffing varies according to the customs of the family in which it is cooked.
This is our version ...

Cima genovese


to the top:
800 gr. belly of veal
300 gr. of veal into pieces
100 gr.
shelled peas 70 gr. grated Parmesan cheese 3 eggs

parsley 1 clove garlic salt

For the broth: 3 quarts of water

1 celery stalk 1 carrot 1 onion

salt Preparation:
We cook the meat into chunks with the chopped parsley and garlic in a pan with oil, the same way in another pan cook the peas, we go up and leave raffreddare.
Sbattiamo le uova uniamo il parmigiano grattugiato, i piselli e la carne che abbiamo cotto, tritata a pezzetti sul tagliere, aggiustiamo di sale e amalgamiamo bene il tutto.
Prendiamo la pancia di vitello, e se non l’ha già preparata il macellaio, cuciamo molto bene i bordi, affinchè il ripieno non scappi via durante la cottura, lasciando scucito solo l’ultimo pezzo per poterla riempire con il ripieno ottenuto.
Aiutandoci con un cucchiaio riempiremo la cima e infine cuciremo l’ultimo pezzo della sacca rimasto aperto. Mettiamo al fuoco l’acqua con il sedano, la cipolla, la carota e un po’ di sale e appena intiepidisce adagiamo la cima e lasciamo cook over medium heat about two hours.
After the interval, with a ramina helping lift the top of the broth and put it between two plates, placing a weight on top to make sure that you compact cooling. We serve top
cold, cut into slices and accompany with salad.


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