Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Largest -illion Number Ever


Last weekend of February, the cold does not seem but give up the days stretch and spring begins to peep in our imagination ... that stimulated by the band of broccoli to participate in their first contest, we propose a light appetizer and a distinctive flavor, created by the contrast of the orange with the shrimp.
Simple and quick to make, this appetizer will surprise especially those who love to fish ....

Happy weekend to all!

With this recipe we participate in the contest

; Gamberi in salsa d’arancia

Gamberi ( per due persone)
succo d’arancia dolce filtrato (1 arancia ogni 10/12 gamberi)
olio d’oliva

Puliamo e laviamo i gamberi lasciando la codina attaccata (questione di look).
Mettiamo in una padella l’olio d’oliva e appena tiepido uniamo i gamberi, saliamo leggermente, rigiriamo e spolveriamo di farina i gamberi in cottura, unendo il succo d’arancia filtrato.
Lasciamo cuocere quel tanto che basta per far addensare la salsa. Serviamo tiepido.
Il contrasto dolce shrimp agro of orange provide a distinctive flavor to this dish.


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