Delicata unique taste, this dish the artichokes was a pleasant surprise for those who were able to taste a slice.
We propose to wish you a good start to the week and participate in the contest ALL IN COCOTTE desserts brought by Imma go go who kindly invited us a few weeks ago ...
Here's our recipe:
terrine of artichokes
(serves 2 people)
2 artichokes 1 clove garlic, parsley
olive oil 25 gr.
1 tablespoon of butter and flour ½
200 ml. the
milk 1 egg 70 gr
the grated parmesan breadcrumbs salt
Preparation: Clean up
artichokes, cut them into slices and put them in a pan with olive oil with chopped parsley and garlic. Rubella, go up and combine a bit 'of water to cook.
Meanwhile prepare a white sauce, melt butter and flour do we add il latte e il sale, mescolando bene perché non faccia grumi, portiamo a bollore sino a che si addensa, (deve risultare piuttosto soda rispetto alla normale besciamella).
Quando i carciofi saranno pronti, li andremo a unire alla besciamella, aggiungendo l’uovo e il parmigiano.
Ungiamo una terrina di olio d’oliva e la cospargiamo di pangrattato, versiamo il composto e spolveriamo nuovamente con il pangrattato.
Mettiamo in forno a 200° per 20/25 minuti. Lasciamo intiepidire e portiamo served directly in the bowl.
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