Monday, February 28, 2011

What Is The Product Of C6h12o66o2 ? 6co26h2o

ARTICHOKE Artichoke focaccia with ham and cheese

Dear friends, after finding that you are a lot to keep us company as we love artichokes, and considering that a few months ago the Saracen schiacciatina liked many of you, we are to offer a new schiacciatina, but this time white, stuffed artichoke with the addition of cheese ham and to give the touch that makes this recipe very much appreciated in our house.

We invite you to try it, wishing you a good start to the month of March ...

Schiacciatina artichokes with ham and cheese

For the dough: 250 gr
. 00
flour ½ cup olive oil
lukewarm water

salt For the filling: 3
2 spicchi d’aglio
olio d’oliva
100 gr. di prosciutto cotto
100 gr. di stracchino o crescenza

Mettiamo sulla tavola la farina a fontana uniamo l’olio d’oliva, aggiungiamo il sale e impastiamo il tutto con l’acqua tiepida, formando una palla che lasceremo riposare coperta.
Nel frattempo puliamo i carciofi, li tagliamo a fettine e li mettiamo in una padella con olio d’oliva insieme a un trito di prezzemolo e aglio. Rosoliamo, saliamo e uniamo un po’ d’acqua per farli cuocere.
Riprendiamo ora l’impasto, lo dividiamo in due parti e incominciamo a tirare la prima sfoglia, thin enough, we're going to put on an oiled baking pan.
We have over the cooked artichokes, ham, cheese and a drizzle of olive oil.

We pull the second sheet, also thin, and cover the filling, cut the excess dough having by sealing the edges well.
anoint the surface with an emulsion of oil and water in equal parts, drill small cuts with the blade of a knife to ensure that in baking to avoid creating air bubbles.

Mettiamo in forno a 220° per 20 minuti.
Appena sfornata, lasciamola riposare qualche minuto prima di servirla.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cold Weather And Hypoglycemia


Parecchi di voi si aspettavano il terzo post su Londra e invece per mancanza di tempo non siamo riusciti a terminarlo … Così per scusarci e farci perdonare vi proponiamo un dolce da preparare insieme, magari la domenica …
Una delizia da accompagnare con una bella tazza di te …
Buona domenica a tutti !!!

                              Torta di mele e uvetta

300 gr. di farina 00
100 gr. di zucchero
150 gr. di yogurt naturale
50 gr. di uvetta sultanina
2 mele di media grandezza
100 ml. di olio d’oliva
2 uova
1 bustina di lievito per dolci
zucchero a velo o semolato a piacere

Mettiamo in una terrina yogurt, farina, zucchero e olio d’oliva, sbattiamo bene il tutto con un cucchiaio di legno per togliere eventuali grumi e uniamo una alla volta le uova intere. Aggiungiamo poi l’uvetta dopo averla messa a bagno qualche minuto e lavata. Infine uniamo il lievito per dolci setacciandolo. Versiamo il tutto in un tegame unto di olio e spolverato di farina, sbucciamo le mele e le tagliamo a fettine che andremo a mettere a raggiera sopra alla torta.
A piacere possiamo cospargerla granulated sugar, then put in oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes and 180 ° for 10 minutes.

Let it cool or not cool, and if we put the granulated sugar in baking, we can sprinkle with powdered sugar or leave it natural ... it is good anyway!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Largest -illion Number Ever


Last weekend of February, the cold does not seem but give up the days stretch and spring begins to peep in our imagination ... that stimulated by the band of broccoli to participate in their first contest, we propose a light appetizer and a distinctive flavor, created by the contrast of the orange with the shrimp.
Simple and quick to make, this appetizer will surprise especially those who love to fish ....

Happy weekend to all!

With this recipe we participate in the contest

; Gamberi in salsa d’arancia

Gamberi ( per due persone)
succo d’arancia dolce filtrato (1 arancia ogni 10/12 gamberi)
olio d’oliva

Puliamo e laviamo i gamberi lasciando la codina attaccata (questione di look).
Mettiamo in una padella l’olio d’oliva e appena tiepido uniamo i gamberi, saliamo leggermente, rigiriamo e spolveriamo di farina i gamberi in cottura, unendo il succo d’arancia filtrato.
Lasciamo cuocere quel tanto che basta per far addensare la salsa. Serviamo tiepido.
Il contrasto dolce shrimp agro of orange provide a distinctive flavor to this dish.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sundiro Engine Upgrade


For a tantalizing idea, here we introduce you to this fragrant and tasty dish that enhances the flavor of the salmon, making you appreciate the delicacy of the sauce.

Good day to you all!

beans potatoes with salmon


for the goodies:
4 medium potatoes 1 egg

300 gr. 00 flour salt

For the sauce: 300 gr
. smoked salmon

½ shallot olive oil 1 teaspoon flour

little white wine to evaporate

I boil the potatoes and mash.
Add flour, salt, egg and mix well mixed.
Take a piece of the dough and form a thin cord and cut into small pieces, then passed in a little 'flour and rolls to give them the round shape.
We have a pan in olive oil and shallots, brown and join the smoked salmon, cut into small pieces, leave a few minutes, add a sprinkling of flour and adjust the salt and blended with the white wine.
Boil the goodies when they come to the surface, the drained and the pan-fried together with seasonings. Serve and serve immediately.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Many Calories In Pasta Sauce


Delicata unique taste, this dish the artichokes was a pleasant surprise for those who were able to taste a slice.
We propose to wish you a good start to the week and participate in the contest ALL IN COCOTTE desserts brought by Imma go go who kindly invited us a few weeks ago ...

Here's our recipe:

terrine of artichokes

(serves 2 people)

2 artichokes 1 clove garlic, parsley

olive oil 25 gr.
1 tablespoon of butter and flour ½
200 ml. the
milk 1 egg 70 gr
the grated parmesan breadcrumbs salt

Preparation: Clean up
artichokes, cut them into slices and put them in a pan with olive oil with chopped parsley and garlic. Rubella, go up and combine a bit 'of water to cook.
Meanwhile prepare a white sauce, melt butter and flour do we add il latte e il sale, mescolando bene perché non faccia grumi, portiamo a bollore sino a che si addensa, (deve risultare piuttosto soda rispetto alla normale besciamella).
Quando i carciofi saranno pronti, li andremo a unire alla besciamella, aggiungendo l’uovo e il parmigiano.
Ungiamo una terrina di olio d’oliva e la cospargiamo di pangrattato, versiamo il composto e spolveriamo nuovamente con il pangrattato.

Mettiamo in forno a 200° per 20/25 minuti. Lasciamo intiepidire e portiamo served directly in the bowl.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ap Biology Lab Five Cellular Respiration


It 's hidden, anonymous and not very recognizable. I imbatutto for if I would call this place very special, especially the Florentine piazza. The place is located behind the pool Costoli Campo di Marte to Guerrina source. It is not a restaurant, non è una pizzeria e non è un american bar, ma in relatà è tutto questo. Già dalla struttura del locale si intuisce che ci troviamo di fronte ad un posto "nuovo"; grandi spazi sia esterni che interni, tavoli molto diversi tra loro. Si può stare sia sugli sgabelli nel tavolone centrale o comodamente seduti sui divani e posare le pietanze su un tavolinetto "da fumo". Atmosfera dunque confortevole e arredata a tema, con stampe e mobilia richiamanti il nome del locale.

Per quanto riguarda menù, è anch'esso originale, non ci sono le solite cose ma la specialità della casa sono gli Hamburger. Fatti e conditi nei più svariati modi. Il Re della casa è sicuramente l'amburgherone con uovo e bacon, but you can also enjoy the classic cheeseburger, and customize your seasoning. Everything is served with fried vegetables.

addition to the specialty of the house there are the pizza (oven, not recommended) and antipasto appetizers (olives, grilled vegetables and other delicacies ..).

The downside scenario in this exciting are the prices. The burgers start at around € 7 to 14 of the base !!!!!! of superfarcito.

I recommend it for a special evening, to try something new without posing the problem of spending. For after-dinner drinks and drunk like every American Bar

L'Aviazione - Ristoro

Viale Malta 4, Firenze

Tel.: 055 5381058

Wikpedia Genitalherpes

LONDON districts museums & curiosity

map of the London Underground

is essential to move to London Underground, or Tube, as it is called in these parts because of the shape of the tunnel reminiscent of a large tube, the chaotic and crowded cities, does not allow you to easily move to the surface. Of course, sitting on the second floor of a characteristic red bus, maybe some queued along the road and you can leisurely enjoy the city at its best, but often the time seems never enough, especially when you are staying in the city just a few days.
safe to walk on foot for the neighborhoods is the best thing to live fully in the British capital, but as the distances between one place and another in some cases are significant, use the efficient metro can be the ideal solution.
Like all big cities, London is also the river that runs through much of its prosperity.
The Thames has seen historically birth to a village near its shores in '55 BC originally inhabited by peoples Celts and Gauls, the Romans came and the village became a fortified city called Londinium. The Roman occupation lasted for four centuries, since there were many vicissitudes and changes of power that shook the city for many years to reach stability reigning in 1066, thanks to the Normans with William the Conqueror. Among the Norman sovereigns who reigned in London, Richard the Lionheart and King John were among the most important measures.
The Hundred Years War with France and the change of dynasties, from Lancaster to Tudor, from Henry VIII to Stuart, by Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II to the present, fortified the English monarchy in the days coming up our making England an international power that conquered colonies and spread their language all over the world.
As for the districts of London, in the first part we have described the Soho entertainment district, on its border near Regent Street, Carnaby Street will no longer as mythical as the time of the Beatles, but still busy of tourists.

entire West End in our view should be explored, you can lose yourself in Mayfair, the elegant neighborhood of the finest homes dating from the eighteenth century they are in the most prestigious boutiques. From Do not miss Oxford Street, one of the largest and most famous shopping streets in the world with its 300 shops. Wandering here and there you will find yourself in Baker Street, made famous by Sherlock Holmes when there is also a museum in his honor and not far away, continuing to walk you will arrive in Marylebone Road where you will find the wax museum Tussaud's. An interesting fact about Madame Marie Tussaud, French-born, he learned as a child to work the wax and after making his first works he moved from Paris to London, opening its current headquarters in the wax museum that is not only became famous in the world is also found in other major cities such as Amsterdam, Berlin, Hong Kong, Las Vegas, New York, Shangai, Washington, Roma e da qualche anno anche a Hollywood.
Il famoso museo è aperto dalle 9,30 alle 17,30, gli orari possono cambiare a seconda della stagione, e le code per entrare sono piuttosto lunghe, pare venga visitato da tre milioni di persone l’anno.

Un’altra curiosità, se arrivate da Madame Tussaud con la metropolitana, la fermata è Baker Street che è la più antica stazione della metropolitana al mondo, aperta nel 1863 in occasione dell’inaugurazione della prima ferrovia sotterranea di Londra.
Continuando con le curiosità, il gruppo proprietario Madame Tussaud's Museum, Merlin Entertainments, also runs the London Eye, the London Eye, the ferris wheel was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair 31 December 1999 to enter the new millennium.
The tourist attraction has been for some years, the world's tallest Ferris wheel with its 135 meters and then passed by the Singapore Flyer, a Ferris wheel 165 feet high.

adjacent to the West End there is another Bloomsbury area, well known for the elegance of its nineteenth-century squares, to be the district where there is a real institution Brithis the London Museum, that you should visit. The Brithis is one of the biggest and richest museums in the world, established in 1753 was also one of the first museums open to the public in 1759, its neoclassical building contains spaces in its representation of almost all civilizations in the world of the most important that the Rosetta Stone enabled the deciphering of hieroglyphics, a section devoted to ancient Britain and the famous Magna Carta, a milestone in the democratic development of Europe.
Not only that, you can enjoy the Brithis the Portland vase in the first century BC, the oldest vessel in the world, rare relics of Mayan culture to the mummies and Greek dell’antico Egitto, insomma, un viaggio che vi farà ripercorrere 2500 anni storia del mondo. L’ingresso al museo è libero, l’apertura solitamente è dalle 10,00 alle 17,30 e l’esperienza è unica. Russel Square, una delle più vaste piazze di Londra è il punto di riferimento del grande museo, raggiungibile con la linea blu della tube (Piccadilly-line)

Russel Square

Entrata del Brithis Museum
Se non siete ancora stanchi a due fermate di metro, vi troverete a Covent Garden. Una piazza dove sorge il Market, un vecchio mercato ortofrutticolo costruito in ferro e vetro del 1830 oggi trasformato in un complesso pedonale di negozi e ritrovi. La zona è ricca di teatri tra cui il Covent Garden Theatre o Royal Opera House uno dei più importanti teatri d’opera al mondo.

Interno del market a Covent Garden
Un altro quartiere elegante è Kensington in cui vi sono altre due zone South Kesington e Kinghtsbridge.
South Kesington is the neighborhood favorite artists, where stands the Victoria Albert Museum end one of the largest museums in the world in the field of applied decorative arts. Built in 1852, housed in a magnificent Italian Renaissance-style palace, one of the most valuable works are kept Raphael's cartoons, seven of the ten bases in Brussels for tapestries for the Sistine Chapel and which are now preserved in the Vatican Pinacoteca. There are also works by Antonio Canova, Donatello and Michelangelo Buonarroti, a museum must for fans of the genre, is open daily from 10.00 to 17.45 here admission is free.

Royal Albert Museum
Kinghtsbridge other hand, is famous for being the district where the Harrods of which we have spoken in the first part.
Not far from South Kesington some metro stop, there's Portobello Road.

We are in Notting Hill, the neighborhood made famous by Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in the film.
On Saturday morning there are 1000 stalls to compose the famous and largest antiques market in the world, from half past five in the morning to start putting together a show featuring color, antiques, people shouting, jingling of objects that can be worth a few cents to thousands of pounds, all surrounded by Victorian buildings that accompany the visitors to the end of the market where there are stalls with samples of gourmet cuisine that we travel we could not lose.

gourmet market

leaving slightly towards the north from the city center and changing attractiveness, there is a neighborhood that we announce because London is also strange and curious, and if you like to browse among the oddities, the markets of Camden Tonw those parts are a major tourist attraction of the weekend and beyond. A Camden Tonw are products of all types at affordable prices, including clothing, books, food, antiques and bizarre objects. The markets and surrounding shops are popular among young people, particularly those who are looking for alternative clothing.
To get there take the black line of the metro (Northern Line) and get off at Camden Tonw. The crowd is amazing and that you will find the main street of Camden High Street, is full of quirky shops, not having large internal spaces, using the facades External as large windows creating an original choreographic effect.

colorful facades of Camden Tonw
For those who collect vinyl records or want to share music of all kinds neighborhood is a real paradise, you will find any hard even what you forgot. Camden is also attended by numerous and colorful punk, walking you will arrive at picturesque canals of Amsterdam and who could remember when you are in front of a building that says Camden Lock revenue, you'll be one of London's most famous market where you can find any kind of item .

Camden Market Look

Last tip before finishing the second part devoted to the British capital, to do not miss a visit to Greenwich, a large suburb lying on the right bank of the Thames renowned for its astronomical observatory, the park and especially to be the location of latitude 0 and a basis for defining the time at Greenwich, on which you adjust the clocks around the world .
A plaque and a line placed in the courtyard of the Old Royal Observatory indicate the transition point Meridian 0.


Meridian 0
To get there you must take the Doclands Light Railway.

for continuing appointment at the third and last part ...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Does Alabama Have 12 On Their Jersey

Bucatini with TUNA AND PEAS

Today, before the weekend, we'll post a quick meal that would still be useful in any occasion.
Easy to prepare and very good to eat ...
good week - end at all!

Bucatini with peas and tuna

for 4 persons 200 gr.
the tuna in oil 150 gr.
peas 2 tablespoons concentrated tomato

parsley 1 clove of garlic olive oil

grated Parmesan cheese (to taste) salt

Mince the parsley with the garlic and put them in a frying pan with oil, sizzle soon, we combine the peas and browned, add the tomato paste dissolved in half a glass of water, climb and cook until the peas are cooked. When cooked, put the tuna and cook for another 5 minutes.
boiled and drained the pasta and passes them directly into the saute pan to the flame, if you like we can put some grated parmesan cheese.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Swimsuit Mishap Stories


O King of dishes Freida, a Cimma pinn- to (the king of cold dishes, filled the top).
This is the adjective most used by our grandparents to describe the Genoa summit when, during the Easter holidays, was prepared with a ritual that often involved the entire house.
A plate of our tradition that brings back sweet memories forever ...
A pan on the fire with meat, peas, parsley and garlic sizzle issued the first perfumes that expanding the air, invaded the kitchen enticed children that amazed us, we watched the grandmother sew the stomach of a calf, leaving open loop which would pass the stuffing to fill it.
Then see the magic of inflation while simmering for nearly two hours, until once cooked, it was left to cool in two dishes with a weight on my grandmother put it very skillfully to shrink ...
Even now, when we prepare, besides appreciating the goodness of the dish that often those who do not like it too much like the flesh, we remember fondly the excitement of those children that roamed in the kitchen waiting to taste the king of the cold dishes ...
La Cima genovese! (A Cimma pinn-a)

Even this traditional dish as in all regional recipes, some ingredients in the stuffing varies according to the customs of the family in which it is cooked.
This is our version ...

Cima genovese


to the top:
800 gr. belly of veal
300 gr. of veal into pieces
100 gr.
shelled peas 70 gr. grated Parmesan cheese 3 eggs

parsley 1 clove garlic salt

For the broth: 3 quarts of water

1 celery stalk 1 carrot 1 onion

salt Preparation:
We cook the meat into chunks with the chopped parsley and garlic in a pan with oil, the same way in another pan cook the peas, we go up and leave raffreddare.
Sbattiamo le uova uniamo il parmigiano grattugiato, i piselli e la carne che abbiamo cotto, tritata a pezzetti sul tagliere, aggiustiamo di sale e amalgamiamo bene il tutto.
Prendiamo la pancia di vitello, e se non l’ha già preparata il macellaio, cuciamo molto bene i bordi, affinchè il ripieno non scappi via durante la cottura, lasciando scucito solo l’ultimo pezzo per poterla riempire con il ripieno ottenuto.
Aiutandoci con un cucchiaio riempiremo la cima e infine cuciremo l’ultimo pezzo della sacca rimasto aperto. Mettiamo al fuoco l’acqua con il sedano, la cipolla, la carota e un po’ di sale e appena intiepidisce adagiamo la cima e lasciamo cook over medium heat about two hours.
After the interval, with a ramina helping lift the top of the broth and put it between two plates, placing a weight on top to make sure that you compact cooling. We serve top
cold, cut into slices and accompany with salad.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blood Transfusion Herpes


Perhaps we mentioned earlier, San Valentine for the one you love should be every day, some day we celebrate properly recurrence, but without exaggerating too much of the event.
Some people will celebrate in some candlelit restaurant, who will celebrate on the road or at home with a romantic dinner in complete privacy. Some even celebrate with friends or relatives because after all the love in different facets, and we like to think that all those who love, or feel a feeling for someone, can still celebrate.
After HEARTS a few weeks ago, we went to another suggestion for Valentine's Day, this time with a tempting appetizer.

Happy Valentine's Day to All!

pie salmon

(serves 4) 5 slices of smoked salmon

1 medium sized boiled potato
mayonnaise salt

Let the potato ricer, we combine a bit 'of salt and add a slice of smoked salmon, finely chopped, seasoned with mayonnaise to make this stuffing up rather soft.
We use molds that we are going round in line with the film where we're going to put on each slice of smoked salmon, filled with stuffing and close the slice received over the filling, then seal with plastic wrap. Let take the form compressing slightly.
Li formed into individual dishes and serving, garnish as desired.

If you miss an idea for the first take a look here ...