THE DEAD ZONE by Stephen King
page. 460-Sperling & Kupfer Editori-€ 9.40
woke up after a four-year coma, Johnny Smith discovers that they have a wonderful gift and disturbing: via a touch is able to have visions of the future of people. One summer day tightens the hand of an ambitious politician and is outlined in his mind the image of a terrible prophecy: one day he will become president of the United States of America and bring the world to ruin. He decides to act, but unfortunately it is only
review by Nanny Ranz
Written in the late '70s, this novel can easily be described as one of the best works ever penned by the king. There are enclosed in it all the qualities that have made King's best-selling writer in the world: in-depth analysis of the characters, described in every detail and nuance, impeccable style and narrative ability at the highest level, capable of transforming un libro dalla trama non proprio originale in una piccola pietra miliare della letteratura fantascientifica. Non credo di esagerare nel definire La Zona Morta come una delle rare escursioni di King nella fantascienza, rappresentata non da astronavi che scandagliano il cosmo alla ricerca di pianeti con forme di vita intelligenti, ma da una terribile domanda che inevitabilmente il lettore si pone man mano che procede nella lettura: cosa avreste fatto se aveste conosciuto Hitler prima della sua ascesa?
Il povero Johnny Smith, un uomo comune come tanti, uno di noi, in Italia sarebbe l'equivalente di un Mario Rossi, viene catapultato in un incubo senza via d'uscita: uccidere un uomo che ancora non ha commesso niente, ma che un giorno sarà l'artefice the ruin of humanity. A fate that can be changed through the Dead Zone, that part of the future that may change, because nothing is actually written, as long as you act. A novel raw haunt us, which appeals to the conscience of every individual. A novel that, while not dealing with monsters, vampires, or zombies, able to convey the same fear and anxiety, because the real monster is basically a man and his lust for power. Highly recommended to all
By the time he graduated from college, John Smith had forgotten all about the bad fall on the ice that January day in 1953. actually would have been difficult to recall when he finished secondary school. His father and mother, then, had never heard anything.
You skated on a line mackerel Runaround Pond in Durham. The older boys were playing with old hockey sticks and stuffed with a pair of baskets of potatoes as doors. The little ones crawled around, as the little ones have always done since time immemorial, ankles, arch outward and inward in a funny way, that your breath freezes into clouds because of the cold.
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