Out of the Darkness by Michael Laim
page. 316 - Gargoyle Books-€ 17.50
Dr. Michael Cayle moves with his wife Christine and daughter Jessica at Ashborough a quiet town in the belly of New England.
Everything seems calm, but soon il dottore si accorgerà che quella pace ha un prezzo e anche lui sarà costretto a pagarlo per evitare la vendetta degli esseri dagli occhi dorati che lo osservano dal bosco.
RECENSIONE a cura di Nanny Ranz
Inizialmente non ero molto propenso all'acquisto di questo romanzo, uno dei primi pubblicati dalla Gargoyle Books in Italia, sia per la trama che non mi attraeva,un po' scontata a dir la verità, sia per il prezzo, decisamente un po' alto per un autore che sentivo per la prima volta. Leggendo sul web alcune recensioni positive mi decisi a comprarlo e devo ammettere che in parte ne è valsa la pena.
Laimo sa prendere il lettore per mano dalla prima pagina e conduce il gioco fino all'ultima Without any difficulties or uncertainties. Good characterization, accurate description of places and people's lives and complete mastery of the development of the plot, without a hair out of place. Perhaps this is the default (so to speak) of the main book, the lack of a plot twist that would give the story a touch more. The reader does not expect that it can never really happen something unpredictable, because every word is imbued with a pessimism that leaves no way out, that never leaves the doctor and taken for granted until the tragic conclusion. From the depths of darkness is still a great novel, well above the sea of \u200b\u200bcrap we are used to and if you are really hungry for a horror as it should be a small sacrifice to your wallet can ask.
a dark basement.
A shortness of breath.
A dry sound of footsteps shuffling on the floor. Nervous fingers tapping on the rough surface of a table. The stench of mold and moisture.
Above a clock strikes the hours. Unnecessary breeze touches the flame of the one candle. A hand rests on a small tape recorder placed at the table. A tentative finger
search the record button. Presses.
Ten seconds of deep breathing, and fatigue. Then, a voice.
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