know Gordian about a couple of years.
Initially, we met via email, after that interview I suggested, then it became my (our own, with Stephen Simon), consultant and auditor of the short films we make. After the film
Kenneth - 2008 - we met spoke by phone to create the anthology Tales Buried-Publishing Sheet - 2009 and in conjunction with the construction of Little Red Riding Hood I fully scripted "changing" his namesake original story , we shook hands, for the first time in Perrero, August 4, 2009, during a debate on the horror anthology show in Italy with relatriva and Exhibition of the country in which they were shooting.
With Gordian I had other meetings, including at the legendary "The Three Faces of Fear" held last November in Manfredonia. Then, Visior, in Piombino, in October, are due to non-influence. "
However, many were the events where we should have to review, such as the Stracult of La Spezia, other event where, even if not present, we have been protagonists for our work.
In recent times we are working on several joint projects including:
- a life in the mystery - feature film directed by S. Simone
- The history of horror cinema in Italy - Rather large volume that examines every single member who did, indeed, the history of cinema in our country. In this work, are present in the interviews I've done some of these Masters.
- Buried Stories - the first anthology is from my site - the paper editions
- Second anthology is from my site - Books in sheets - will be published this autumn
- Proh anthology - an anthology for charity, will be published next year, probably in the spring
addition to working with Gordian, I feel obliged to thank him for counsel, because his expertise is extraordinary and unusual.
Wolves is not just a professional communication, but also a great person and a great friend.
Lele Mattana
Gordian WOLVES Wolves (Piombino, 1960). Editorial Director of Edizioni Il Foglio. Collaborate with La Stampa of Turin as a translator's blog Yoani Sánchez. He has translated the novels of Cuban Torreguitart Alejandro Ruiz: Paper Mache (Alternative Press, 2003), The Navy of my past (Nonsoloparole, 2003), Life jinetera (The Gazette, 2005), Cuba particular - Sex Havana (Print Alternative, 2007), Adiós Fidel - Havana without a dick to do (A. Car, 2008), My nome è Che Guevara (A.Car, 2009), Mister Hyde all’Avana (Il Foglio, 2009) e Il canto di Natale di Fidel Castro (Il Foglio, 2010).
Tra i suoi molti lavori ricordiamo: Nero Tropicale (Terzo Millennio, 2003), Cuba Magica – conversazioni con un santéro (Mursia, 2003), Cannibal – il cinema selvaggio di Ruggero Deodato (Profondo Rosso, 2003), Un’isola a passo di son - viaggio nel mondo della musica cubana (Bastogi, 2004), Quasi quasi faccio anch’io un corso di scrittura (Stampa Alternativa, 2004 - due edizioni in un anno), Orrore, erotismo e pornografia secondo Joe D’Amato (Profondo Rosso, 2004), Tomas Milian, il trucido e lo sbirro (Profondo Rosso, 2004), Serial Killer italiani (Editoriale Olimpia, 2005), Nemici miei (Stampa Alternativa, 2005), Le dive nude - Il cinema di Gloria Guida e di Edwige Fenech (Profondo Rosso, 2006), Il cittadino si ribella: il cinema di Enzo G. Castellari - in collaborazione con Fabio Zanello - (Profondo Rosso, 2006), Filmare la morte – Il cinema horror e thriller di Lucio Fulci (Il Foglio, 2006), Orrori tropicali – storie di vudu, santeria e palo mayombe (Il Foglio, 2006), Almeno il pane Fidel – Cuba quotidiana (Stampa Alternativa, 2006), Sexy made in Italy – le regine del cinema erotico degli anni Settanta (Profondo Rosso, 2007), Coppie diaboliche - dal delitto di Marostica al giallo di Omegna - 34 casi of "crime in the two" 1902-2006 (in collaboration with Sabina Marchesi - Editoriale Olimpia, 2008), Dracula and vampires (in collaboration with Maurizio Maggioni - Deep Red, 2008), Havana killing (Sered, 2008 - Released), I Cuba (median, 2008), Crime in Search of an Author (IDI, 2008 - Released), Fernando di Leo and his film Black and perverse (Deep Red, 2009), Fellini - A cinema greatmaster (median, 2009), Cozzi Star - Cinema Lewis Coates (Deep Red, 2009), Fidel Castro - Unauthorized Biography (A. Car, 2010), to get Yoani Sánchez (The Gazette, 2010). It provides for the Italian version of the blog Generación Y Cuban writer Yoani Sánchez and published his first book published by Rizzoli Italian: Cuba libre - Living and writing in Havana (2009). His latest crime novels are: Blood Habanero (Eumeswill, 2009) is a terrible legacy (Perdisa, 2009). Web pages: www.infol.it / wolves. E-mail contacts: lupi@infol.it.
He took part in some TV shows as well begin the story of Conrad Augias (Serial killer Italian book), A Morning of Juror Luca (Italian book Serial killer), Odeon TV (broadcast on Italian Serial Killer) at The Comedy ' Italian Network on Four (where he spoke to Gloria Guida and sexy comedy), Speciale TG1 Monica Maggioni (theme Yoani Sánchez and Cuba). He was host of several radio broadcasts in Italy and Switzerland for his books and commentaries on Cuban culture. His books have been the subject of numerous reviews and recommendations that can be read at the site ww.infol.it / wolves.
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