Carte d'Havana
David Barilli
Fedele's publishing - Page 50 $ 10
The long climb from the sea of \u200b\u200bdarkness
Matteo Mancini
GDS Publishing - Page 40 - Euro 4
There are many books that I arrive and crowd my desk, sent by editors more or less large, often by the same authors in search of reviews, in the hope that a report on a small media can serve to raise awareness of their products. They do not know that it is useless, unfortunately. The real cognitive mechanisms are the exclusive property of large publishers who buy full-page weekly cultural and pass the tissues to reviewers that count. One could say: "Before becoming famous and then write that perhaps you speak and you read ", but it would be a discourse old and I have already done years ago - without any result - I almost do myself in a writing course and my enemies." I complained many times a bad habit that always be the same again and that in times like the present is even more unbearable. We have the Vanity Fair of Turin and then away with the tango ... who does not have a deputy who has written a book, a young author, a columnist, a Baricco, a wasp, a Veltroni, to launch? Enough, otherwise I have no more space. And what I say is true especially for me - just as stupid - yet continued to write, think that helped. Among the many books
who arrived this week I read two things short but intense, two books which no one will talk, but I always go against the tide, because after all who cares about the last book of dark and who will win the Witch ?
I have read maps of Havana's better Barilli David, after the beautiful yellow waxes Baracoa (Murcia) back to fascinate me with magical strokes from a land that I love. Nine micro stories accompanied by watercolors by Gerardo Luna telling Cuba and its problems, they do feel the magic of a starry night on the waterfront of the world's most romantic, the sounds of Payret cinema, a night without electricity and radio Bemba in the background that tells what la stampa ufficiale non dice. Appunti rapidi e poetici al tempo stesso, vergati con cura sulla moleskine d’un viaggiatore che racchiude nei suoi personaggi la nostalgia per un luogo fantastico.
Un’altra delle mie passioni è la narrativa horror e allora capita che mi leggo una piccola raccolta di Matteo Mancini, che nessuno di voi conoscerà ma fate male perché è bravo, forse meglio di tanti scrittori osannati che affollano la fiera del libro di Torino, ché almeno non si parla addosso e non sfoggia prosopopea, ma si ispira con umiltà ai grandi del passato. La lunga ascesa dal mare delle tenebre – edito in versione spartana come fosse un quadernetto d’altri tempi da GDS di Milano - si compone di tre racconti che echo atmosphere typical of the great Lovecraft, but also cleaved film straight out of a film scripted by Lucio Fulci and Dardano Sacchetti. Not cheap for a beginner. To read these stories to write empodistribuzione@live.it. In the library can not find it, they did not, they must make room for the last boiata Veltroni's exit Rizzoli. So if you think it is ... and if you like.
www.infol.it Wolves / Wolves
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