Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Brampton

Mattana Lele Lele Mattana -

Hello everyone, I am Mattana Emmanuel, born in 1980. Resident Cuveglio, village in the province of Varese.

Ex - policeman. A graduate in computer science.

always loved movies, comics, horror literature.

I realized over the years numerous tables using ink, charcoal, pencils. I have illustrated numerous comic books and some of them were published in the monthly events Emilia Romagna, while others are available online in web pages.

Same thing goes for many stories, nursery rhymes and poems that I published online.

On July 9, 2007 I created the website to share with other people my own passions, making available portal pages to make it possible for anyone to see their works published.

In fact,, the theme is 360 °, from fiction to comic books, cinema and music.

Since 2008 I have also started to write screenplays for short films. I've written and scripted, even taking care of the dialogues.

The first was "Kenneth" - short film of 24 ', directed by Stephen Simon. The short film was shot in Manfredonia in 2008. The genre of this film is a Thriller / Horror. The film is visible on some sites online.

The second is "Little Red Riding Hood" - short film of 31 ', again directed by S. Simone. The film was shot in Perrero during the spring of 2009. The film was based on the story of the writer Gordian Wolves. The kind of film that embraces the horror and gore-style b-movie.

Curiosities of Little Red Riding Hood - The main character, Luke Peracino works in Colorado Cafè, with Andrea Pisani, another actor in the film. The short film is being marketed and sold over 500 copies and is still required!

The third film I wrote and wrote, is taken from my namesake story Watchman. It 's a short horror film directed by Francis Borrassa. The length is 18 '. The film features scenes where it requires a pretty strong stomach.

During the month of March 2010, in Puglia, Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo, will begin shooting the first real feature film. "A life in the mystery," the title of the new film by S. Simone. Even for this new job, I was selected as a writer and screenwriter of the entire work. I can safely say that I totally wrote every single page, bar scene and, based exclusively on documents received by the protagonist and some photographs. I therefore satisfied to write the film, creating a web visionary, ideando qualcosa di molto particolare. Verso la fine dell'estate 2010 il film dovrebbe essere ufficialmente distribuito su larga scala.

Nel 2009, ha avuto l'onore di pubblicare la prima antologia di racconti horror ricavati dalle pagine del portale web.

L'antologia Racconti Sepolti, edita da Edizioni Il Foglio è stata tratta dalla mia "creatura" e Gordiano mi ha voluto come Curatore della stessa al fine di organizzarla e gestirla come meglio credevo, per quanto riguarda impaginazione scelta delle persone a cui affidare compiti di revisione, grafica ecc. Grazie Gordiano.

Ho ricevuto enormi soddisfazioni, riuscendo dal 2008 sino ad oggi, ad entrare in contatto con Mostri Sacri del Cinema Horror e non solo. Intervistandoli per le pagine del sito. Ecco i loro nomi (probabilmente ne dimentico qualcuno... sono comunque tutti visibili nella sezione dedicata alle interviste)

Eraldo Baldini, Claudio Simonetti, Gordiano Lupi, Sergio Stivaletti, Coralina Cataldi Tassoni, Riccardo Serventi Longhi, Luigi Cozzi, Dardano Sacchetti, Ernesto Gastaldi, Dario Piana, Sergio Martino. E prossimamente arriveranno anche Ruggero Deodato, Claudio Fragasso, Rossella Drudi e tanti altri ancora!

In concomitanza con la pubblicazione dell'antologia, sono stato intervistato a mia volta da diverse radio e giornali, e le ultime risalgono ai primi di febbraio 2010.

Ultimi progetti in cantiere saranno quelli I see that as an organizer of the next edition of Cuveglio Film Festival 2010, in cooperation with the municipality of my country, Cuveglio, precisely, and with the town of Perrero, I will work with Simon and Wolves to new projects.

I'm taking care of at this time given a new anthology from The Literary Gazette and my site. A project for charity which will enable the adoption of a Haitian child. The anthology will be distributed in late 2010 or early 2011, we are waiting for new works.

In these months we are working on the second anthology of horror stories derived from my site. For the period Hlloweenesco will be distributed.

report some news, events and initiatives I have proposed, organized, or that concerns me.


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