6 June 2010 - Birth of the Art Laboratory - Lab-Art
Greetings to all readers of this brand new Social Network.
What is the "Art Workshop - Lele Mattana-Lab Art"?
This is an area that grants more space for readers, authors, emerging, or simply fans of movies, music and more.
The main initiative of this social network is also to inform you of the actions that the undersigned intends to propose, as a fiction prize competitions, photography competitions, contests for aspiring filmmakers and more.
the artistic laboratory will also give space to cultural topics of my area of \u200b\u200bresidence, and why not, even to those who attend this workshop.
you soon!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Brazilian Wax In Brampton
Mattana Lele Lele Mattana -
Hello everyone, I am Mattana Emmanuel, born in 1980. Resident Cuveglio, village in the province of Varese.
Ex - policeman. A graduate in computer science.
always loved movies, comics, horror literature.
I realized over the years numerous tables using ink, charcoal, pencils. I have illustrated numerous comic books and some of them were published in the monthly events Emilia Romagna, while others are available online in web pages.
Same thing goes for many stories, nursery rhymes and poems that I published online.
On July 9, 2007 I created the website Sognihorror.com to share with other people my own passions, making available portal pages to make it possible for anyone to see their works published.
In fact, Sognihorror.com, the theme is 360 °, from fiction to comic books, cinema and music.
Since 2008 I have also started to write screenplays for short films. I've written and scripted, even taking care of the dialogues.
The first was "Kenneth" - short film of 24 ', directed by Stephen Simon. The short film was shot in Manfredonia in 2008. The genre of this film is a Thriller / Horror. The film is visible on some sites online.
The second is "Little Red Riding Hood" - short film of 31 ', again directed by S. Simone. The film was shot in Perrero during the spring of 2009. The film was based on the story of the writer Gordian Wolves. The kind of film that embraces the horror and gore-style b-movie.
Curiosities of Little Red Riding Hood - The main character, Luke Peracino works in Colorado Cafè, with Andrea Pisani, another actor in the film. The short film is being marketed and sold over 500 copies and is still required!
The third film I wrote and wrote, is taken from my namesake story Watchman. It 's a short horror film directed by Francis Borrassa. The length is 18 '. The film features scenes where it requires a pretty strong stomach.
During the month of March 2010, in Puglia, Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo, will begin shooting the first real feature film. "A life in the mystery," the title of the new film by S. Simone. Even for this new job, I was selected as a writer and screenwriter of the entire work. I can safely say that I totally wrote every single page, bar scene and, based exclusively on documents received by the protagonist and some photographs. I therefore satisfied to write the film, creating a web visionary, ideando qualcosa di molto particolare. Verso la fine dell'estate 2010 il film dovrebbe essere ufficialmente distribuito su larga scala.
Nel 2009, Sognihorror.com ha avuto l'onore di pubblicare la prima antologia di racconti horror ricavati dalle pagine del portale web.
L'antologia Racconti Sepolti, edita da Edizioni Il Foglio è stata tratta dalla mia "creatura" Sognihorror.com e Gordiano mi ha voluto come Curatore della stessa al fine di organizzarla e gestirla come meglio credevo, per quanto riguarda impaginazione scelta delle persone a cui affidare compiti di revisione, grafica ecc. Grazie Gordiano.
Ho ricevuto enormi soddisfazioni, riuscendo dal 2008 sino ad oggi, ad entrare in contatto con Mostri Sacri del Cinema Horror e non solo. Intervistandoli per le pagine del sito. Ecco i loro nomi (probabilmente ne dimentico qualcuno... sono comunque tutti visibili nella sezione dedicata alle interviste)
Eraldo Baldini, Claudio Simonetti, Gordiano Lupi, Sergio Stivaletti, Coralina Cataldi Tassoni, Riccardo Serventi Longhi, Luigi Cozzi, Dardano Sacchetti, Ernesto Gastaldi, Dario Piana, Sergio Martino. E prossimamente arriveranno anche Ruggero Deodato, Claudio Fragasso, Rossella Drudi e tanti altri ancora!
In concomitanza con la pubblicazione dell'antologia, sono stato intervistato a mia volta da diverse radio e giornali, e le ultime risalgono ai primi di febbraio 2010.
Ultimi progetti in cantiere saranno quelli I see that as an organizer of the next edition of Cuveglio Film Festival 2010, in cooperation with the municipality of my country, Cuveglio, precisely, and with the town of Perrero, I will work with Simon and Wolves to new projects.
I'm taking care of at this time given a new anthology from The Literary Gazette and my site. A project for charity which will enable the adoption of a Haitian child. The anthology will be distributed in late 2010 or early 2011, we are waiting for new works.
In these months we are working on the second anthology of horror stories derived from my site. For the period Hlloweenesco will be distributed.
report some news, events and initiatives I have proposed, organized, or that concerns me.
Hello everyone, I am Mattana Emmanuel, born in 1980. Resident Cuveglio, village in the province of Varese.
Ex - policeman. A graduate in computer science.
always loved movies, comics, horror literature.
I realized over the years numerous tables using ink, charcoal, pencils. I have illustrated numerous comic books and some of them were published in the monthly events Emilia Romagna, while others are available online in web pages.
Same thing goes for many stories, nursery rhymes and poems that I published online.
On July 9, 2007 I created the website Sognihorror.com to share with other people my own passions, making available portal pages to make it possible for anyone to see their works published.
In fact, Sognihorror.com, the theme is 360 °, from fiction to comic books, cinema and music.
Since 2008 I have also started to write screenplays for short films. I've written and scripted, even taking care of the dialogues.
The first was "Kenneth" - short film of 24 ', directed by Stephen Simon. The short film was shot in Manfredonia in 2008. The genre of this film is a Thriller / Horror. The film is visible on some sites online.
The second is "Little Red Riding Hood" - short film of 31 ', again directed by S. Simone. The film was shot in Perrero during the spring of 2009. The film was based on the story of the writer Gordian Wolves. The kind of film that embraces the horror and gore-style b-movie.
Curiosities of Little Red Riding Hood - The main character, Luke Peracino works in Colorado Cafè, with Andrea Pisani, another actor in the film. The short film is being marketed and sold over 500 copies and is still required!
The third film I wrote and wrote, is taken from my namesake story Watchman. It 's a short horror film directed by Francis Borrassa. The length is 18 '. The film features scenes where it requires a pretty strong stomach.
During the month of March 2010, in Puglia, Manfredonia, San Giovanni Rotondo, will begin shooting the first real feature film. "A life in the mystery," the title of the new film by S. Simone. Even for this new job, I was selected as a writer and screenwriter of the entire work. I can safely say that I totally wrote every single page, bar scene and, based exclusively on documents received by the protagonist and some photographs. I therefore satisfied to write the film, creating a web visionary, ideando qualcosa di molto particolare. Verso la fine dell'estate 2010 il film dovrebbe essere ufficialmente distribuito su larga scala.
Nel 2009, Sognihorror.com ha avuto l'onore di pubblicare la prima antologia di racconti horror ricavati dalle pagine del portale web.
L'antologia Racconti Sepolti, edita da Edizioni Il Foglio è stata tratta dalla mia "creatura" Sognihorror.com e Gordiano mi ha voluto come Curatore della stessa al fine di organizzarla e gestirla come meglio credevo, per quanto riguarda impaginazione scelta delle persone a cui affidare compiti di revisione, grafica ecc. Grazie Gordiano.
Ho ricevuto enormi soddisfazioni, riuscendo dal 2008 sino ad oggi, ad entrare in contatto con Mostri Sacri del Cinema Horror e non solo. Intervistandoli per le pagine del sito. Ecco i loro nomi (probabilmente ne dimentico qualcuno... sono comunque tutti visibili nella sezione dedicata alle interviste)
Eraldo Baldini, Claudio Simonetti, Gordiano Lupi, Sergio Stivaletti, Coralina Cataldi Tassoni, Riccardo Serventi Longhi, Luigi Cozzi, Dardano Sacchetti, Ernesto Gastaldi, Dario Piana, Sergio Martino. E prossimamente arriveranno anche Ruggero Deodato, Claudio Fragasso, Rossella Drudi e tanti altri ancora!
In concomitanza con la pubblicazione dell'antologia, sono stato intervistato a mia volta da diverse radio e giornali, e le ultime risalgono ai primi di febbraio 2010.
Ultimi progetti in cantiere saranno quelli I see that as an organizer of the next edition of Cuveglio Film Festival 2010, in cooperation with the municipality of my country, Cuveglio, precisely, and with the town of Perrero, I will work with Simon and Wolves to new projects.
I'm taking care of at this time given a new anthology from The Literary Gazette and my site. A project for charity which will enable the adoption of a Haitian child. The anthology will be distributed in late 2010 or early 2011, we are waiting for new works.
In these months we are working on the second anthology of horror stories derived from my site. For the period Hlloweenesco will be distributed.
report some news, events and initiatives I have proposed, organized, or that concerns me.
Grecian Formula Work For Women
Wolves - presentation of a great expert on literary and cinematic
know Gordian about a couple of years.
Initially, we met via email, after that interview I suggested, then it became my (our own, with Stephen Simon), consultant and auditor of the short films we make. After the film
Kenneth - 2008 - we met spoke by phone to create the anthology Tales Buried-Publishing Sheet - 2009 and in conjunction with the construction of Little Red Riding Hood I fully scripted "changing" his namesake original story , we shook hands, for the first time in Perrero, August 4, 2009, during a debate on the horror anthology show in Italy with relatriva and Exhibition of the country in which they were shooting.
With Gordian I had other meetings, including at the legendary "The Three Faces of Fear" held last November in Manfredonia. Then, Visior, in Piombino, in October, are due to non-influence. "
However, many were the events where we should have to review, such as the Stracult of La Spezia, other event where, even if not present, we have been protagonists for our work.
In recent times we are working on several joint projects including:
- a life in the mystery - feature film directed by S. Simone
- The history of horror cinema in Italy - Rather large volume that examines every single member who did, indeed, the history of cinema in our country. In this work, are present in the interviews I've done some of these Masters.
- Buried Stories - the first anthology is from my site - the paper editions
- Second anthology is from my site - Books in sheets - will be published this autumn
- Proh anthology - an anthology for charity, will be published next year, probably in the spring
addition to working with Gordian, I feel obliged to thank him for counsel, because his expertise is extraordinary and unusual.
Wolves is not just a professional communication, but also a great person and a great friend.
Lele Mattana
Gordian WOLVES Wolves (Piombino, 1960). Editorial Director of Edizioni Il Foglio. Collaborate with La Stampa of Turin as a translator's blog Yoani Sánchez. He has translated the novels of Cuban Torreguitart Alejandro Ruiz: Paper Mache (Alternative Press, 2003), The Navy of my past (Nonsoloparole, 2003), Life jinetera (The Gazette, 2005), Cuba particular - Sex Havana (Print Alternative, 2007), Adiós Fidel - Havana without a dick to do (A. Car, 2008), My nome è Che Guevara (A.Car, 2009), Mister Hyde all’Avana (Il Foglio, 2009) e Il canto di Natale di Fidel Castro (Il Foglio, 2010).
Tra i suoi molti lavori ricordiamo: Nero Tropicale (Terzo Millennio, 2003), Cuba Magica – conversazioni con un santéro (Mursia, 2003), Cannibal – il cinema selvaggio di Ruggero Deodato (Profondo Rosso, 2003), Un’isola a passo di son - viaggio nel mondo della musica cubana (Bastogi, 2004), Quasi quasi faccio anch’io un corso di scrittura (Stampa Alternativa, 2004 - due edizioni in un anno), Orrore, erotismo e pornografia secondo Joe D’Amato (Profondo Rosso, 2004), Tomas Milian, il trucido e lo sbirro (Profondo Rosso, 2004), Serial Killer italiani (Editoriale Olimpia, 2005), Nemici miei (Stampa Alternativa, 2005), Le dive nude - Il cinema di Gloria Guida e di Edwige Fenech (Profondo Rosso, 2006), Il cittadino si ribella: il cinema di Enzo G. Castellari - in collaborazione con Fabio Zanello - (Profondo Rosso, 2006), Filmare la morte – Il cinema horror e thriller di Lucio Fulci (Il Foglio, 2006), Orrori tropicali – storie di vudu, santeria e palo mayombe (Il Foglio, 2006), Almeno il pane Fidel – Cuba quotidiana (Stampa Alternativa, 2006), Sexy made in Italy – le regine del cinema erotico degli anni Settanta (Profondo Rosso, 2007), Coppie diaboliche - dal delitto di Marostica al giallo di Omegna - 34 casi of "crime in the two" 1902-2006 (in collaboration with Sabina Marchesi - Editoriale Olimpia, 2008), Dracula and vampires (in collaboration with Maurizio Maggioni - Deep Red, 2008), Havana killing (Sered, 2008 - Released), I Cuba (median, 2008), Crime in Search of an Author (IDI, 2008 - Released), Fernando di Leo and his film Black and perverse (Deep Red, 2009), Fellini - A cinema greatmaster (median, 2009), Cozzi Star - Cinema Lewis Coates (Deep Red, 2009), Fidel Castro - Unauthorized Biography (A. Car, 2010), to get Yoani Sánchez (The Gazette, 2010). It provides for the Italian version of the blog Generación Y Cuban writer Yoani Sánchez and published his first book published by Rizzoli Italian: Cuba libre - Living and writing in Havana (2009). His latest crime novels are: Blood Habanero (Eumeswill, 2009) is a terrible legacy (Perdisa, 2009). Web pages: www.infol.it / wolves. E-mail contacts: lupi@infol.it.
He took part in some TV shows as well begin the story of Conrad Augias (Serial killer Italian book), A Morning of Juror Luca (Italian book Serial killer), Odeon TV (broadcast on Italian Serial Killer) at The Comedy ' Italian Network on Four (where he spoke to Gloria Guida and sexy comedy), Speciale TG1 Monica Maggioni (theme Yoani Sánchez and Cuba). He was host of several radio broadcasts in Italy and Switzerland for his books and commentaries on Cuban culture. His books have been the subject of numerous reviews and recommendations that can be read at the site ww.infol.it / wolves.

know Gordian about a couple of years.
Initially, we met via email, after that interview I suggested, then it became my (our own, with Stephen Simon), consultant and auditor of the short films we make. After the film
Kenneth - 2008 - we met spoke by phone to create the anthology Tales Buried-Publishing Sheet - 2009 and in conjunction with the construction of Little Red Riding Hood I fully scripted "changing" his namesake original story , we shook hands, for the first time in Perrero, August 4, 2009, during a debate on the horror anthology show in Italy with relatriva and Exhibition of the country in which they were shooting.
With Gordian I had other meetings, including at the legendary "The Three Faces of Fear" held last November in Manfredonia. Then, Visior, in Piombino, in October, are due to non-influence. "
However, many were the events where we should have to review, such as the Stracult of La Spezia, other event where, even if not present, we have been protagonists for our work.
In recent times we are working on several joint projects including:
- a life in the mystery - feature film directed by S. Simone
- The history of horror cinema in Italy - Rather large volume that examines every single member who did, indeed, the history of cinema in our country. In this work, are present in the interviews I've done some of these Masters.
- Buried Stories - the first anthology is from my site - the paper editions
- Second anthology is from my site - Books in sheets - will be published this autumn
- Proh anthology - an anthology for charity, will be published next year, probably in the spring
addition to working with Gordian, I feel obliged to thank him for counsel, because his expertise is extraordinary and unusual.
Wolves is not just a professional communication, but also a great person and a great friend.
Lele Mattana
Gordian WOLVES Wolves (Piombino, 1960). Editorial Director of Edizioni Il Foglio. Collaborate with La Stampa of Turin as a translator's blog Yoani Sánchez. He has translated the novels of Cuban Torreguitart Alejandro Ruiz: Paper Mache (Alternative Press, 2003), The Navy of my past (Nonsoloparole, 2003), Life jinetera (The Gazette, 2005), Cuba particular - Sex Havana (Print Alternative, 2007), Adiós Fidel - Havana without a dick to do (A. Car, 2008), My nome è Che Guevara (A.Car, 2009), Mister Hyde all’Avana (Il Foglio, 2009) e Il canto di Natale di Fidel Castro (Il Foglio, 2010).
Tra i suoi molti lavori ricordiamo: Nero Tropicale (Terzo Millennio, 2003), Cuba Magica – conversazioni con un santéro (Mursia, 2003), Cannibal – il cinema selvaggio di Ruggero Deodato (Profondo Rosso, 2003), Un’isola a passo di son - viaggio nel mondo della musica cubana (Bastogi, 2004), Quasi quasi faccio anch’io un corso di scrittura (Stampa Alternativa, 2004 - due edizioni in un anno), Orrore, erotismo e pornografia secondo Joe D’Amato (Profondo Rosso, 2004), Tomas Milian, il trucido e lo sbirro (Profondo Rosso, 2004), Serial Killer italiani (Editoriale Olimpia, 2005), Nemici miei (Stampa Alternativa, 2005), Le dive nude - Il cinema di Gloria Guida e di Edwige Fenech (Profondo Rosso, 2006), Il cittadino si ribella: il cinema di Enzo G. Castellari - in collaborazione con Fabio Zanello - (Profondo Rosso, 2006), Filmare la morte – Il cinema horror e thriller di Lucio Fulci (Il Foglio, 2006), Orrori tropicali – storie di vudu, santeria e palo mayombe (Il Foglio, 2006), Almeno il pane Fidel – Cuba quotidiana (Stampa Alternativa, 2006), Sexy made in Italy – le regine del cinema erotico degli anni Settanta (Profondo Rosso, 2007), Coppie diaboliche - dal delitto di Marostica al giallo di Omegna - 34 casi of "crime in the two" 1902-2006 (in collaboration with Sabina Marchesi - Editoriale Olimpia, 2008), Dracula and vampires (in collaboration with Maurizio Maggioni - Deep Red, 2008), Havana killing (Sered, 2008 - Released), I Cuba (median, 2008), Crime in Search of an Author (IDI, 2008 - Released), Fernando di Leo and his film Black and perverse (Deep Red, 2009), Fellini - A cinema greatmaster (median, 2009), Cozzi Star - Cinema Lewis Coates (Deep Red, 2009), Fidel Castro - Unauthorized Biography (A. Car, 2010), to get Yoani Sánchez (The Gazette, 2010). It provides for the Italian version of the blog Generación Y Cuban writer Yoani Sánchez and published his first book published by Rizzoli Italian: Cuba libre - Living and writing in Havana (2009). His latest crime novels are: Blood Habanero (Eumeswill, 2009) is a terrible legacy (Perdisa, 2009). Web pages: www.infol.it / wolves. E-mail contacts: lupi@infol.it.
He took part in some TV shows as well begin the story of Conrad Augias (Serial killer Italian book), A Morning of Juror Luca (Italian book Serial killer), Odeon TV (broadcast on Italian Serial Killer) at The Comedy ' Italian Network on Four (where he spoke to Gloria Guida and sexy comedy), Speciale TG1 Monica Maggioni (theme Yoani Sánchez and Cuba). He was host of several radio broadcasts in Italy and Switzerland for his books and commentaries on Cuban culture. His books have been the subject of numerous reviews and recommendations that can be read at the site ww.infol.it / wolves.
Blood Tinged Mucus Discharge Period
www.sognihorror.com presentation - the ideal site to wish you Good Night and Dreams of Horror! Gordian
The year was 2007.
Between a twisted love story (which, once resolved is taking me to the wedding in just over a month!), The resumption of studies, after they give it up because I had the head for other things, that's me I decided to realize one of my many ideas.
Enter a myriad of data, fax forwarding and start writing code in the text, edit templates and here, July 9, 2007 the network was born on site www.sognihorror.com
A web portal dedicated to horror 360 °.
In short, the site starts Rimpar content, especially thanks to our friends, both old aficionados, such as Carmine Cantile, Nanny Ranz and Matthew Mancini, increasingly submit their works, reviews and more stuff!
And then, in less than 4 years the site exceeds 100,000 visits! (The visible counter online has been taken from the middle of 2008!), Becomes the object of interest by some newspapers and radio, nationwide!
Over 600 pages of articles, stories, files and other material!
Each year, proposes the appointment with the main competition, which is the Good Night and Dreams of Horror that, this year, from August 1, 2010 will come in its fourth edition!
Through this competition, we came to the realization of the second anthology edited by me in collaboration with professional writers on the site and published by Edizioni Il Foglio, with the invaluable involvement on the part of his Gordian Wolves. (During these months we are working on the completion of the second anthology to be released for Halloween 2010!).
Moreover, with Edizioni Il Foglio, we are implementing a project for charity with the creation of zombie-themed anthology, whose earnings will be paid out to sponsor a Haitian child. This anthology will be completed for next year the same, probably in the spring, waiting to enrich stories.
With Sognihorror.com I had the opportunity to come into contact with sacred monsters of horror films nationally and internationally, interviewing them in person, by mail and telefonicamento!
Same thing for some famous artists in the narrative.
From next autumn will increase the names of the interviews!
When I think back to 2007, I realize that I would never have dreamed of creating a monster with this portal, a monster has become quite interesting, a point of reference for many. I never, ever have dreamed of talking to those teachers who saw play in those horror movies that I have always rated! But it happened!
This a goal that I achieved and that do not mean to give up!
Everyday I receive, on average, over 30 emails from readers, writers and directors who ask me advice, send me their material from view to give them directions and other information.
It 's a nice feeling, a succession of emotions that I consider an award for my will to manage this portal.
Sognihorror.com is all of this, a showcase for me, but especially for you, for your ideas, initiatives and creative qualities!
www.sognihorror.com for a night of nightmares!

The year was 2007.
Between a twisted love story (which, once resolved is taking me to the wedding in just over a month!), The resumption of studies, after they give it up because I had the head for other things, that's me I decided to realize one of my many ideas.
Enter a myriad of data, fax forwarding and start writing code in the text, edit templates and here, July 9, 2007 the network was born on site www.sognihorror.com
A web portal dedicated to horror 360 °.
In short, the site starts Rimpar content, especially thanks to our friends, both old aficionados, such as Carmine Cantile, Nanny Ranz and Matthew Mancini, increasingly submit their works, reviews and more stuff!
And then, in less than 4 years the site exceeds 100,000 visits! (The visible counter online has been taken from the middle of 2008!), Becomes the object of interest by some newspapers and radio, nationwide!
Over 600 pages of articles, stories, files and other material!
Each year, proposes the appointment with the main competition, which is the Good Night and Dreams of Horror that, this year, from August 1, 2010 will come in its fourth edition!
Through this competition, we came to the realization of the second anthology edited by me in collaboration with professional writers on the site and published by Edizioni Il Foglio, with the invaluable involvement on the part of his Gordian Wolves. (During these months we are working on the completion of the second anthology to be released for Halloween 2010!).
Moreover, with Edizioni Il Foglio, we are implementing a project for charity with the creation of zombie-themed anthology, whose earnings will be paid out to sponsor a Haitian child. This anthology will be completed for next year the same, probably in the spring, waiting to enrich stories.
With Sognihorror.com I had the opportunity to come into contact with sacred monsters of horror films nationally and internationally, interviewing them in person, by mail and telefonicamento!
Same thing for some famous artists in the narrative.
From next autumn will increase the names of the interviews!
When I think back to 2007, I realize that I would never have dreamed of creating a monster with this portal, a monster has become quite interesting, a point of reference for many. I never, ever have dreamed of talking to those teachers who saw play in those horror movies that I have always rated! But it happened!
This a goal that I achieved and that do not mean to give up!
Everyday I receive, on average, over 30 emails from readers, writers and directors who ask me advice, send me their material from view to give them directions and other information.
It 's a nice feeling, a succession of emotions that I consider an award for my will to manage this portal.
Sognihorror.com is all of this, a showcase for me, but especially for you, for your ideas, initiatives and creative qualities!
www.sognihorror.com for a night of nightmares!
P90x Ankylosing Spondilitis
Cuveglio Film Festival 2010 - Film Competition
homemade Film Association, in cooperation with the City of Cuveglio and www.sognihorror.com,
an international competition for short films under the self Cuveglio Film Festival 2010.
The event will be held on 29 and 30 October 2010 in the town of Cuveglio. Any changes to
date will be communicated later to all members and published authors on the official website of the event
To participate in this initiative access to the site
and consult the official announcement of the competition
homemade Film Association, in cooperation with the City of Cuveglio and www.sognihorror.com,
an international competition for short films under the self Cuveglio Film Festival 2010.
The event will be held on 29 and 30 October 2010 in the town of Cuveglio. Any changes to
date will be communicated later to all members and published authors on the official website of the event
To participate in this initiative access to the site
and consult the official announcement of the competition
Good Songs To Play Basketball To
from the depths of darkness - book-review
Out of the Darkness by Michael Laim
page. 316 - Gargoyle Books-€ 17.50
Dr. Michael Cayle moves with his wife Christine and daughter Jessica at Ashborough a quiet town in the belly of New England.
Everything seems calm, but soon il dottore si accorgerà che quella pace ha un prezzo e anche lui sarà costretto a pagarlo per evitare la vendetta degli esseri dagli occhi dorati che lo osservano dal bosco.
RECENSIONE a cura di Nanny Ranz
Inizialmente non ero molto propenso all'acquisto di questo romanzo, uno dei primi pubblicati dalla Gargoyle Books in Italia, sia per la trama che non mi attraeva,un po' scontata a dir la verità, sia per il prezzo, decisamente un po' alto per un autore che sentivo per la prima volta. Leggendo sul web alcune recensioni positive mi decisi a comprarlo e devo ammettere che in parte ne è valsa la pena.
Laimo sa prendere il lettore per mano dalla prima pagina e conduce il gioco fino all'ultima Without any difficulties or uncertainties. Good characterization, accurate description of places and people's lives and complete mastery of the development of the plot, without a hair out of place. Perhaps this is the default (so to speak) of the main book, the lack of a plot twist that would give the story a touch more. The reader does not expect that it can never really happen something unpredictable, because every word is imbued with a pessimism that leaves no way out, that never leaves the doctor and taken for granted until the tragic conclusion. From the depths of darkness is still a great novel, well above the sea of \u200b\u200bcrap we are used to and if you are really hungry for a horror as it should be a small sacrifice to your wallet can ask.
a dark basement.
A shortness of breath.
A dry sound of footsteps shuffling on the floor. Nervous fingers tapping on the rough surface of a table. The stench of mold and moisture.
Above a clock strikes the hours. Unnecessary breeze touches the flame of the one candle. A hand rests on a small tape recorder placed at the table. A tentative finger
search the record button. Presses.
Ten seconds of deep breathing, and fatigue. Then, a voice.

Out of the Darkness by Michael Laim
page. 316 - Gargoyle Books-€ 17.50
Dr. Michael Cayle moves with his wife Christine and daughter Jessica at Ashborough a quiet town in the belly of New England.
Everything seems calm, but soon il dottore si accorgerà che quella pace ha un prezzo e anche lui sarà costretto a pagarlo per evitare la vendetta degli esseri dagli occhi dorati che lo osservano dal bosco.
RECENSIONE a cura di Nanny Ranz
Inizialmente non ero molto propenso all'acquisto di questo romanzo, uno dei primi pubblicati dalla Gargoyle Books in Italia, sia per la trama che non mi attraeva,un po' scontata a dir la verità, sia per il prezzo, decisamente un po' alto per un autore che sentivo per la prima volta. Leggendo sul web alcune recensioni positive mi decisi a comprarlo e devo ammettere che in parte ne è valsa la pena.
Laimo sa prendere il lettore per mano dalla prima pagina e conduce il gioco fino all'ultima Without any difficulties or uncertainties. Good characterization, accurate description of places and people's lives and complete mastery of the development of the plot, without a hair out of place. Perhaps this is the default (so to speak) of the main book, the lack of a plot twist that would give the story a touch more. The reader does not expect that it can never really happen something unpredictable, because every word is imbued with a pessimism that leaves no way out, that never leaves the doctor and taken for granted until the tragic conclusion. From the depths of darkness is still a great novel, well above the sea of \u200b\u200bcrap we are used to and if you are really hungry for a horror as it should be a small sacrifice to your wallet can ask.
a dark basement.
A shortness of breath.
A dry sound of footsteps shuffling on the floor. Nervous fingers tapping on the rough surface of a table. The stench of mold and moisture.
Above a clock strikes the hours. Unnecessary breeze touches the flame of the one candle. A hand rests on a small tape recorder placed at the table. A tentative finger
search the record button. Presses.
Ten seconds of deep breathing, and fatigue. Then, a voice.
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of saints and shadows -
pag.388-€ 11.50-Gargoyle Books
Peter Octavian is a vampire and lives in Boston in the mid-nineties, where he does the job of private investigator. For centuries, is fighting with his people, because of his ideas: it is convinced of the possibility of peaceful coexistence with humans. While investigating the disappearance of Janet, the daughter of a friend of his investigations are hampered by the appearance of a priest, Liam Mulkerrin, sent by a section Vatican special, with extraordinary powers. He is in search of the "Gospel of Shadows," a magic book that hides secrets that go beyond imagination. Peter, including the danger posed by Mulkerrin, will be forced to rejoin his people to avert a catastrophe that is borne not only about vampires, but on the whole human race.
review by Nanny Ranz
Let's face it: now the vampires have really broken, but maybe it's better to say who broke the pseudo modern writers churning out books, photocopies, in which the figure of this beautiful being is almost always faded. But here is change log.
Di Santi and 'Shadows is a book that define innovative is an understatement: the vampire is here described as a demon whose sole purpose is to suck blood from other people and turn them into undead, they exist because they exist, such as flowers, plants, animals and other creatures in the world. Golden strikes one after another all the old ideologies of vampiric nature, so that in the end it seems almost impossible that it is not the protagonist's dream of a peaceful coexistence between the two races.
The novel is compelling and it runs very well without breaks, in a succession of unexpected events that attract the reader and urge him to move on, to see what happens. Psychology character is not very marked, except Peter and Mulkerrin, but the story does not suffer, indeed, the author seems to want to insist that make us understand that there is a good and a bad race, but characters in positive and negative of the two. The finish is perhaps a bit 'too heroic, maybe something more dark and gothic would be more appropriate.
There are many questions that at the end of the book are still waiting for an answer, but this is due to the fact that this is the first volume of "Saga of Shadows," the fourth volume came to America and I hope that the Gargoyle is able to publish all, because if it is true that a good morning starts in the morning ..
Manny Soares began to have enough to work with the damn broom. Twenty years in the office of the Secretary of State and was still there with broom in hand. Dropped with a thud on the bathroom floor. He needed a cigarette.
He lit a walk to the data processing section. He'd never smoked in a home office.
The lights were out, had already finished cleaning the room for an hour, but was not completely dark. The stars and a bright moon lit up the night, a beautiful clear night. The next day was snowing, but there was to be trusted, given the fame of Meteorologists in Boston. The only good thing about this work were the windows. Looking out, as he often did, Manny thought much more in those five minutes than in the rest of the day. It was awfully nice.

pag.388-€ 11.50-Gargoyle Books
Peter Octavian is a vampire and lives in Boston in the mid-nineties, where he does the job of private investigator. For centuries, is fighting with his people, because of his ideas: it is convinced of the possibility of peaceful coexistence with humans. While investigating the disappearance of Janet, the daughter of a friend of his investigations are hampered by the appearance of a priest, Liam Mulkerrin, sent by a section Vatican special, with extraordinary powers. He is in search of the "Gospel of Shadows," a magic book that hides secrets that go beyond imagination. Peter, including the danger posed by Mulkerrin, will be forced to rejoin his people to avert a catastrophe that is borne not only about vampires, but on the whole human race.
review by Nanny Ranz
Let's face it: now the vampires have really broken, but maybe it's better to say who broke the pseudo modern writers churning out books, photocopies, in which the figure of this beautiful being is almost always faded. But here is change log.
Di Santi and 'Shadows is a book that define innovative is an understatement: the vampire is here described as a demon whose sole purpose is to suck blood from other people and turn them into undead, they exist because they exist, such as flowers, plants, animals and other creatures in the world. Golden strikes one after another all the old ideologies of vampiric nature, so that in the end it seems almost impossible that it is not the protagonist's dream of a peaceful coexistence between the two races.
The novel is compelling and it runs very well without breaks, in a succession of unexpected events that attract the reader and urge him to move on, to see what happens. Psychology character is not very marked, except Peter and Mulkerrin, but the story does not suffer, indeed, the author seems to want to insist that make us understand that there is a good and a bad race, but characters in positive and negative of the two. The finish is perhaps a bit 'too heroic, maybe something more dark and gothic would be more appropriate.
There are many questions that at the end of the book are still waiting for an answer, but this is due to the fact that this is the first volume of "Saga of Shadows," the fourth volume came to America and I hope that the Gargoyle is able to publish all, because if it is true that a good morning starts in the morning ..
Manny Soares began to have enough to work with the damn broom. Twenty years in the office of the Secretary of State and was still there with broom in hand. Dropped with a thud on the bathroom floor. He needed a cigarette.
He lit a walk to the data processing section. He'd never smoked in a home office.
The lights were out, had already finished cleaning the room for an hour, but was not completely dark. The stars and a bright moon lit up the night, a beautiful clear night. The next day was snowing, but there was to be trusted, given the fame of Meteorologists in Boston. The only good thing about this work were the windows. Looking out, as he often did, Manny thought much more in those five minutes than in the rest of the day. It was awfully nice.
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literary review the dead zone - book-review
THE DEAD ZONE by Stephen King
page. 460-Sperling & Kupfer Editori-€ 9.40
woke up after a four-year coma, Johnny Smith discovers that they have a wonderful gift and disturbing: via a touch is able to have visions of the future of people. One summer day tightens the hand of an ambitious politician and is outlined in his mind the image of a terrible prophecy: one day he will become president of the United States of America and bring the world to ruin. He decides to act, but unfortunately it is only
review by Nanny Ranz
Written in the late '70s, this novel can easily be described as one of the best works ever penned by the king. There are enclosed in it all the qualities that have made King's best-selling writer in the world: in-depth analysis of the characters, described in every detail and nuance, impeccable style and narrative ability at the highest level, capable of transforming un libro dalla trama non proprio originale in una piccola pietra miliare della letteratura fantascientifica. Non credo di esagerare nel definire La Zona Morta come una delle rare escursioni di King nella fantascienza, rappresentata non da astronavi che scandagliano il cosmo alla ricerca di pianeti con forme di vita intelligenti, ma da una terribile domanda che inevitabilmente il lettore si pone man mano che procede nella lettura: cosa avreste fatto se aveste conosciuto Hitler prima della sua ascesa?
Il povero Johnny Smith, un uomo comune come tanti, uno di noi, in Italia sarebbe l'equivalente di un Mario Rossi, viene catapultato in un incubo senza via d'uscita: uccidere un uomo che ancora non ha commesso niente, ma che un giorno sarà l'artefice the ruin of humanity. A fate that can be changed through the Dead Zone, that part of the future that may change, because nothing is actually written, as long as you act. A novel raw haunt us, which appeals to the conscience of every individual. A novel that, while not dealing with monsters, vampires, or zombies, able to convey the same fear and anxiety, because the real monster is basically a man and his lust for power. Highly recommended to all
By the time he graduated from college, John Smith had forgotten all about the bad fall on the ice that January day in 1953. actually would have been difficult to recall when he finished secondary school. His father and mother, then, had never heard anything.
You skated on a line mackerel Runaround Pond in Durham. The older boys were playing with old hockey sticks and stuffed with a pair of baskets of potatoes as doors. The little ones crawled around, as the little ones have always done since time immemorial, ankles, arch outward and inward in a funny way, that your breath freezes into clouds because of the cold.

THE DEAD ZONE by Stephen King
page. 460-Sperling & Kupfer Editori-€ 9.40
woke up after a four-year coma, Johnny Smith discovers that they have a wonderful gift and disturbing: via a touch is able to have visions of the future of people. One summer day tightens the hand of an ambitious politician and is outlined in his mind the image of a terrible prophecy: one day he will become president of the United States of America and bring the world to ruin. He decides to act, but unfortunately it is only
review by Nanny Ranz
Written in the late '70s, this novel can easily be described as one of the best works ever penned by the king. There are enclosed in it all the qualities that have made King's best-selling writer in the world: in-depth analysis of the characters, described in every detail and nuance, impeccable style and narrative ability at the highest level, capable of transforming un libro dalla trama non proprio originale in una piccola pietra miliare della letteratura fantascientifica. Non credo di esagerare nel definire La Zona Morta come una delle rare escursioni di King nella fantascienza, rappresentata non da astronavi che scandagliano il cosmo alla ricerca di pianeti con forme di vita intelligenti, ma da una terribile domanda che inevitabilmente il lettore si pone man mano che procede nella lettura: cosa avreste fatto se aveste conosciuto Hitler prima della sua ascesa?
Il povero Johnny Smith, un uomo comune come tanti, uno di noi, in Italia sarebbe l'equivalente di un Mario Rossi, viene catapultato in un incubo senza via d'uscita: uccidere un uomo che ancora non ha commesso niente, ma che un giorno sarà l'artefice the ruin of humanity. A fate that can be changed through the Dead Zone, that part of the future that may change, because nothing is actually written, as long as you act. A novel raw haunt us, which appeals to the conscience of every individual. A novel that, while not dealing with monsters, vampires, or zombies, able to convey the same fear and anxiety, because the real monster is basically a man and his lust for power. Highly recommended to all
By the time he graduated from college, John Smith had forgotten all about the bad fall on the ice that January day in 1953. actually would have been difficult to recall when he finished secondary school. His father and mother, then, had never heard anything.
You skated on a line mackerel Runaround Pond in Durham. The older boys were playing with old hockey sticks and stuffed with a pair of baskets of potatoes as doors. The little ones crawled around, as the little ones have always done since time immemorial, ankles, arch outward and inward in a funny way, that your breath freezes into clouds because of the cold.
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cards Havana - the long rise from the sea of \u200b\u200bdarkness - only mud
Carte d'Havana
David Barilli
Fedele's publishing - Page 50 $ 10
The long climb from the sea of \u200b\u200bdarkness
Matteo Mancini
GDS Publishing - Page 40 - Euro 4
There are many books that I arrive and crowd my desk, sent by editors more or less large, often by the same authors in search of reviews, in the hope that a report on a small media can serve to raise awareness of their products. They do not know that it is useless, unfortunately. The real cognitive mechanisms are the exclusive property of large publishers who buy full-page weekly cultural and pass the tissues to reviewers that count. One could say: "Before becoming famous and then write that perhaps you speak and you read ", but it would be a discourse old and I have already done years ago - without any result - I almost do myself in a writing course and my enemies." I complained many times a bad habit that always be the same again and that in times like the present is even more unbearable. We have the Vanity Fair of Turin and then away with the tango ... who does not have a deputy who has written a book, a young author, a columnist, a Baricco, a wasp, a Veltroni, to launch? Enough, otherwise I have no more space. And what I say is true especially for me - just as stupid - yet continued to write, think that helped. Among the many books
who arrived this week I read two things short but intense, two books which no one will talk, but I always go against the tide, because after all who cares about the last book of dark and who will win the Witch ?
I have read maps of Havana's better Barilli David, after the beautiful yellow waxes Baracoa (Murcia) back to fascinate me with magical strokes from a land that I love. Nine micro stories accompanied by watercolors by Gerardo Luna telling Cuba and its problems, they do feel the magic of a starry night on the waterfront of the world's most romantic, the sounds of Payret cinema, a night without electricity and radio Bemba in the background that tells what la stampa ufficiale non dice. Appunti rapidi e poetici al tempo stesso, vergati con cura sulla moleskine d’un viaggiatore che racchiude nei suoi personaggi la nostalgia per un luogo fantastico.
Un’altra delle mie passioni è la narrativa horror e allora capita che mi leggo una piccola raccolta di Matteo Mancini, che nessuno di voi conoscerà ma fate male perché è bravo, forse meglio di tanti scrittori osannati che affollano la fiera del libro di Torino, ché almeno non si parla addosso e non sfoggia prosopopea, ma si ispira con umiltà ai grandi del passato. La lunga ascesa dal mare delle tenebre – edito in versione spartana come fosse un quadernetto d’altri tempi da GDS di Milano - si compone di tre racconti che echo atmosphere typical of the great Lovecraft, but also cleaved film straight out of a film scripted by Lucio Fulci and Dardano Sacchetti. Not cheap for a beginner. To read these stories to write empodistribuzione@live.it. In the library can not find it, they did not, they must make room for the last boiata Veltroni's exit Rizzoli. So if you think it is ... and if you like.
www.infol.it Wolves / Wolves

Carte d'Havana
David Barilli
Fedele's publishing - Page 50 $ 10
The long climb from the sea of \u200b\u200bdarkness
Matteo Mancini
GDS Publishing - Page 40 - Euro 4
There are many books that I arrive and crowd my desk, sent by editors more or less large, often by the same authors in search of reviews, in the hope that a report on a small media can serve to raise awareness of their products. They do not know that it is useless, unfortunately. The real cognitive mechanisms are the exclusive property of large publishers who buy full-page weekly cultural and pass the tissues to reviewers that count. One could say: "Before becoming famous and then write that perhaps you speak and you read ", but it would be a discourse old and I have already done years ago - without any result - I almost do myself in a writing course and my enemies." I complained many times a bad habit that always be the same again and that in times like the present is even more unbearable. We have the Vanity Fair of Turin and then away with the tango ... who does not have a deputy who has written a book, a young author, a columnist, a Baricco, a wasp, a Veltroni, to launch? Enough, otherwise I have no more space. And what I say is true especially for me - just as stupid - yet continued to write, think that helped. Among the many books
who arrived this week I read two things short but intense, two books which no one will talk, but I always go against the tide, because after all who cares about the last book of dark and who will win the Witch ?
I have read maps of Havana's better Barilli David, after the beautiful yellow waxes Baracoa (Murcia) back to fascinate me with magical strokes from a land that I love. Nine micro stories accompanied by watercolors by Gerardo Luna telling Cuba and its problems, they do feel the magic of a starry night on the waterfront of the world's most romantic, the sounds of Payret cinema, a night without electricity and radio Bemba in the background that tells what la stampa ufficiale non dice. Appunti rapidi e poetici al tempo stesso, vergati con cura sulla moleskine d’un viaggiatore che racchiude nei suoi personaggi la nostalgia per un luogo fantastico.
Un’altra delle mie passioni è la narrativa horror e allora capita che mi leggo una piccola raccolta di Matteo Mancini, che nessuno di voi conoscerà ma fate male perché è bravo, forse meglio di tanti scrittori osannati che affollano la fiera del libro di Torino, ché almeno non si parla addosso e non sfoggia prosopopea, ma si ispira con umiltà ai grandi del passato. La lunga ascesa dal mare delle tenebre – edito in versione spartana come fosse un quadernetto d’altri tempi da GDS di Milano - si compone di tre racconti che echo atmosphere typical of the great Lovecraft, but also cleaved film straight out of a film scripted by Lucio Fulci and Dardano Sacchetti. Not cheap for a beginner. To read these stories to write empodistribuzione@live.it. In the library can not find it, they did not, they must make room for the last boiata Veltroni's exit Rizzoli. So if you think it is ... and if you like.
www.infol.it Wolves / Wolves
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literary review - a review of literature
Giancarlo Narciso
Only mud
Verdener - Edizioni Ambiente
Euro 16.00 - Page 280
Giancarlo Narciso is a well-known name in the yellow and noir literature, because public for years under the pseudonym Jack Morisco exciting spy novels in the series Top Secret. In recent years, was released from newsstand to bring his characters into necklaces prestigious publishers of medium - sized Fazi (Sankhara, Singapore Sling, The mosquitoes of Zanzibar), Dario Flaccovio (Encounter at Daunanda - Scerbanenco Prize 2006) and Perdisa Pop (shadow you like me). Impossible to mention all the books I wrote this kind of genuine writer, who leads an adventurous life as his characters between Riva del Garda and the island of Lombok. His last work out for Verdener (www.verdenero.it) in the famous series of Ecomafia Noir produced in collaboration with Legambiente, characterized in that the authors give royalties to the project of the Save the Legambiente Italy. The series of novels inspired by current events blacks need to mobilize against ecomafia and the silence that surrounds it, to assert a new defense of legality and the environment. Giancarlo Narciso is an expert in such narratives, he uses his best known character - Butch Moroni - and sets his latest survey in the setting of home, between Arco and Riva del Garda, where the missing persons and gruesome murders that revolve around the project a waste that could destroy whole countries. The novel is set in Trentino, il tema portante è il ricordo del disastro ecologico di Stava, il tragico crollo del bacino di decantazione avvenuto nel 1985, che viene riassunto nei suoi elementi essenziali in un’esaustiva appendice. Narciso non si lascia prendere la mano da pedisseque ricostruzioni e da intenti didascalici. Il suo stile è fluido, sostenuto da dialoghi, la narrazione è rapida ed essenziale, da consumato narratore di genere. Il giallo si sviluppa con una serie di indizi contrastanti che conducono il lettore verso uno sconvolgente finale, perché niente è come sembra. Giancarlo De Cataldo presenta il romanzo come “un noir di qualità che mantiene alta la guardia contro la corrotta deriva del nostro quotidiano”. Fidatevi. Se amate il giallo impegnato e i problemi ambientali, questo è il libro che fa per voi.
Gordiano Lupi

Giancarlo Narciso
Only mud
Verdener - Edizioni Ambiente
Euro 16.00 - Page 280
Giancarlo Narciso is a well-known name in the yellow and noir literature, because public for years under the pseudonym Jack Morisco exciting spy novels in the series Top Secret. In recent years, was released from newsstand to bring his characters into necklaces prestigious publishers of medium - sized Fazi (Sankhara, Singapore Sling, The mosquitoes of Zanzibar), Dario Flaccovio (Encounter at Daunanda - Scerbanenco Prize 2006) and Perdisa Pop (shadow you like me). Impossible to mention all the books I wrote this kind of genuine writer, who leads an adventurous life as his characters between Riva del Garda and the island of Lombok. His last work out for Verdener (www.verdenero.it) in the famous series of Ecomafia Noir produced in collaboration with Legambiente, characterized in that the authors give royalties to the project of the Save the Legambiente Italy. The series of novels inspired by current events blacks need to mobilize against ecomafia and the silence that surrounds it, to assert a new defense of legality and the environment. Giancarlo Narciso is an expert in such narratives, he uses his best known character - Butch Moroni - and sets his latest survey in the setting of home, between Arco and Riva del Garda, where the missing persons and gruesome murders that revolve around the project a waste that could destroy whole countries. The novel is set in Trentino, il tema portante è il ricordo del disastro ecologico di Stava, il tragico crollo del bacino di decantazione avvenuto nel 1985, che viene riassunto nei suoi elementi essenziali in un’esaustiva appendice. Narciso non si lascia prendere la mano da pedisseque ricostruzioni e da intenti didascalici. Il suo stile è fluido, sostenuto da dialoghi, la narrazione è rapida ed essenziale, da consumato narratore di genere. Il giallo si sviluppa con una serie di indizi contrastanti che conducono il lettore verso uno sconvolgente finale, perché niente è come sembra. Giancarlo De Cataldo presenta il romanzo come “un noir di qualità che mantiene alta la guardia contro la corrotta deriva del nostro quotidiano”. Fidatevi. Se amate il giallo impegnato e i problemi ambientali, questo è il libro che fa per voi.
Gordiano Lupi
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mon dragon is the devil - book-review
Giona A. Nazzaro
Perdisapop Walkietalkie - Pag.205 – Euro 14,00
Luigi Bernardi continua a stupire per il suo essere controcorrente nelle scelte editoriali e per come riesce a impostare in modo originale una collana di autori italiani. Le copertine della Walkietalkie di Perdisapop sono dei piccoli capolavori artistici, realizzati con cura da Onofrio Catacchio che ha trasformato i disegni in una mostra itinerante. I testi - possono piacere o non piacere - ma tutto si può less to say that I do not know whether the courageous choices. Bernardi novels included in the catalog blacks, violent stories, tales of horror and supernatural stories written by Italians, and overcoming the historical prejudice that an author should write only of our national commissioners Panzoni who love the sun, the kitchen, the mother and in his free time chasing
criminals ... In this context, we greet with pleasure the publication of the fine collection of short stories A Mon Dragon is the devil of Jonah A. Nazzaro, author known as a film critic lover of genres that demonstrates skillful builder of plots from horror fantasy. In this case, the courage to Bernardi is twofold, because it overcomes the injury on the short story collections, accused do not sell enough to justify publication. I would say that if we want to tell sterile exercises in style - like the belly of the machine or Veronesi The largest whale in the Lombardy region of Aldo Nove - it is only logical that the public responds with disinterest. The horror story, however, in the style of Stephen King, inspired by Lovecraft, Lansdale, but also the cinema of Lucio Fulci and Dardano Sacchetti plots, he's right to exist.
Jonah A. Nazzaro said nine hopeless horror stories, set in a fantasy of Southern Italy, a poor, desolate and scorched by the sun. These are stories of children who meet the evil, fantastic apparitions and supernatural metaphors of evil e del lato oscuro della realtà. Giona A. Nazzaro sfoggia grande cultura cinematografica raccontando esorcismi e possessioni demoniache che ricordano sequenze de Il demonio di Brunello Rondi, ambientato in un desolato paese degli Abruzzi. Lo stile di Nazzaro è molto raffinato, ma al tempo stesso piano e comprensibile, racconta senza eccedere in virtuosismi letterari, ispirandosi a leggende del meridione italiano e a storie che affondano le radici nella mitologia popolare. Un buon lavoro, una nuova scommessa di Perdisapop e di Luigi Bernardi che ci auguriamo vincente.
Pedisapop lancia anche due nuove collane. La prima è I libri di Lame a trama, che raccoglieranno le antologie legate al più prestigioso premio nazionale dedicato al racconto breve giallo and noir. The second is White Noise, mythography books on contemporary portraits of writers, artists, events, cities, objects, reflections on the past and present. White Noise is a series inspired by the homonymous novel by Don DeLillo and intends to open a ray of light in everyday life. It starts with Jean Claude Izzo - Story of a journalist Stephanie Nardini appreciation of Marseille. All this is thanks to the fantasy life of Luigi Bernardi. A myth of contemporary genre fiction ...
www.infol.it Wolves / Wolves

Giona A. Nazzaro
Perdisapop Walkietalkie - Pag.205 – Euro 14,00
Luigi Bernardi continua a stupire per il suo essere controcorrente nelle scelte editoriali e per come riesce a impostare in modo originale una collana di autori italiani. Le copertine della Walkietalkie di Perdisapop sono dei piccoli capolavori artistici, realizzati con cura da Onofrio Catacchio che ha trasformato i disegni in una mostra itinerante. I testi - possono piacere o non piacere - ma tutto si può less to say that I do not know whether the courageous choices. Bernardi novels included in the catalog blacks, violent stories, tales of horror and supernatural stories written by Italians, and overcoming the historical prejudice that an author should write only of our national commissioners Panzoni who love the sun, the kitchen, the mother and in his free time chasing
criminals ... In this context, we greet with pleasure the publication of the fine collection of short stories A Mon Dragon is the devil of Jonah A. Nazzaro, author known as a film critic lover of genres that demonstrates skillful builder of plots from horror fantasy. In this case, the courage to Bernardi is twofold, because it overcomes the injury on the short story collections, accused do not sell enough to justify publication. I would say that if we want to tell sterile exercises in style - like the belly of the machine or Veronesi The largest whale in the Lombardy region of Aldo Nove - it is only logical that the public responds with disinterest. The horror story, however, in the style of Stephen King, inspired by Lovecraft, Lansdale, but also the cinema of Lucio Fulci and Dardano Sacchetti plots, he's right to exist.
Jonah A. Nazzaro said nine hopeless horror stories, set in a fantasy of Southern Italy, a poor, desolate and scorched by the sun. These are stories of children who meet the evil, fantastic apparitions and supernatural metaphors of evil e del lato oscuro della realtà. Giona A. Nazzaro sfoggia grande cultura cinematografica raccontando esorcismi e possessioni demoniache che ricordano sequenze de Il demonio di Brunello Rondi, ambientato in un desolato paese degli Abruzzi. Lo stile di Nazzaro è molto raffinato, ma al tempo stesso piano e comprensibile, racconta senza eccedere in virtuosismi letterari, ispirandosi a leggende del meridione italiano e a storie che affondano le radici nella mitologia popolare. Un buon lavoro, una nuova scommessa di Perdisapop e di Luigi Bernardi che ci auguriamo vincente.
Pedisapop lancia anche due nuove collane. La prima è I libri di Lame a trama, che raccoglieranno le antologie legate al più prestigioso premio nazionale dedicato al racconto breve giallo and noir. The second is White Noise, mythography books on contemporary portraits of writers, artists, events, cities, objects, reflections on the past and present. White Noise is a series inspired by the homonymous novel by Don DeLillo and intends to open a ray of light in everyday life. It starts with Jean Claude Izzo - Story of a journalist Stephanie Nardini appreciation of Marseille. All this is thanks to the fantasy life of Luigi Bernardi. A myth of contemporary genre fiction ...
www.infol.it Wolves / Wolves
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RADIO RAI UNO - Guest Gordian Wolves
Sunday, June 20 - 9 am - RAI RADIO ONE - THE TRAVELLER Program
Gordian Wolves comes to Cuba with a Raffaele Roselli, David Riondino, Omero Ciai.
Ospite da Cuba: Yoani Sanchez in collegamento telefonico.
Venerdì 18 giugno
ore 17.30 - Bar Arcobaleno -Quercianella
ore 21.30 - Pensione Signorini - Castiglioncello
Gordiano Lupi
Una terribile eredità
Euro 12,00 - Pag. 128
Isbn 978-88-8372-376-6
Perdisa Pop
editore di Albalibri e poeta albanese
Un reduce, L'Avana, l'ambiguità del male
Dopo un'esperienza traumatica durante la guerra in Angola, un cubano torna a casa ma non sarà più lo itself. Become the most inhumane of methods such as serial killers, Havana will choose to hunt with its innocent victims. From one of the most knowledgeable Italians of Cuban culture, a grim parable of evil and obsession, along with an unforgiving journey into a land that remains to be revealed.
Sunday, June 20 - 9 am - RAI RADIO ONE - THE TRAVELLER Program
Gordian Wolves comes to Cuba with a Raffaele Roselli, David Riondino, Omero Ciai.
Ospite da Cuba: Yoani Sanchez in collegamento telefonico.
Venerdì 18 giugno
ore 17.30 - Bar Arcobaleno -Quercianella
ore 21.30 - Pensione Signorini - Castiglioncello
Gordiano Lupi
Una terribile eredità
Euro 12,00 - Pag. 128
Isbn 978-88-8372-376-6
Perdisa Pop
editore di Albalibri e poeta albanese
Un reduce, L'Avana, l'ambiguità del male
Dopo un'esperienza traumatica durante la guerra in Angola, un cubano torna a casa ma non sarà più lo itself. Become the most inhumane of methods such as serial killers, Havana will choose to hunt with its innocent victims. From one of the most knowledgeable Italians of Cuban culture, a grim parable of evil and obsession, along with an unforgiving journey into a land that remains to be revealed.
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Coca amb cireres
Coca amb cireres cake or cherry pie is a typical English region of Catalonia that is eaten for day of Corpus Domini.In this recipe we will use stagione.La cherries that are characteristic of this cake is the way to measure out the ingredients: 4 eggs peseremo and its weight is the amount in grams of flour, sugar and burro.Esempio : I I used 4 eggs that weighed 260 grams, so I used 260 grams of flour, 260 grams of sugar and 260 grams of burro.Gli ingredients are these:
-cherry taste
-4 eggs-flour-sugar
-butter-a packet of baking powder
We'll cherries, pitted and laveremo.
Peseremo the 4 eggs
and mix
together with sugar,
and melted butter.
will cover a large enough pan with greaseproof paper,
pour the mixture
and place it over the cherries.
Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes
Let cool and sprinkle with the zucchero.La versione originale prevede lo zucchero semolato,io invece ho utilizzato lo zucchero a velo.
Semplicemente squisita!!
Con questa ricetta partecipo a la Raccolta di stagione di Betty
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