Civil Rights Poem Equality
Torta zebrata con copertura di cioccolato
Today is the birthday of my son, and for ' when I prepared this cake, the cake zebra, which I have done a p0 'more delicious than it already is making a chocolate coating and for him and his friends the 'I sopranominata "Juventino of the cake."
We see the ingredients:
-300 g flour 00 g sugar
-200 -250 -250 ml of milk
ml of corn oil
-4 eggs -1 bag of vanilla
-1 packet of baking powder
-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
For the topping:
-1 bar of dark chocolate-
a knob of butter
In a bowl break the eggs,
incorporiamo lo zucchero e mescoliamo bene con la frusta elettrica fino a far diventare l’impasto spumoso.
Aggiungiamo il latte,
l’olio di semi di mais,
e la vanillina.
Incorporiamo la farina setacciata
il lievito per dolci
ed un pizzico di sale.
Mescoliamo bene l’impasto e lo dividiamo in due:una parte leave it as is, add the cocoa powder in the other.
Prepare the cake tin, greased and infarinandola.Io I used a cake pan with a diameter of 24 cm.
Now we begin the preparation of the cake, pour in the center of the cake dough 3 tablespoons white
follow with another 3 tablespoons of the dough and pour them over the black-white mixture, again in center of the cake.
continue with another 3 tablespoons of batter white
and so via
until you finish all the dough black and white
bake without moving too much cake at 180 degrees for 40 minuti.Lasceremo cool.
Melt half of the chocolate bar with a knob of butter in a double boiler or in microwave oven and cover the cake with the help of a brush.
And here is the "cake of Juventino!
Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday Party!
Technorati Tags:
cakes, sweets
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