The pastry allows us to create an infinite variety of very tasty appetizers. Today we're making the pizzas that simple will appeal to adults and piccini.Gli ingredients are these:
-1 pastry sheet
green olives
Lay the pastry sheet and with the help of a wheel
divide the dough into small squares, I've made 32.
In a small bowl, pour a little 'of tomato sauce and saleremo just right, if you need to add a bit' of sugar to remove the acidity passata.Aggiungeremo 2 or 3 tablespoons of oregano for flavoring, mix and pour a teaspoon of tomato in centro di oggi quadrato di sfoglia.
Adageremo una oliva sopra la passata di pomodoro
ed una spolverata di origano
Inforneremo a 190° per 20 minuti.Appena inizieranno a dorarsi saranno pronte.
Technorati Tag: Pasta sfoglia , antipasti
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