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filling of ricotta and Nutella
Sunday, like all Sundays are respected, I made a nice finish on a sweet cake for lunch. This time I chose a cake for a long time I wanted to prepare, was inside of my list of recipes to do. "recipe me ' He gave my friend Anna, who in turn 's got it from his sister, I took the liberty of changing one ingredient: the original recipe included the use of black cherry jam, (which I really like the way) but, at the request of my son, I replaced the Nutella, and what to say in front of such a request ..!
The ingredients are those of a normal pie crust, to see them click here , more add:
-250 g cheese
Sift flour
unite sugar
the baking powder
a pinch of salt
1 egg
butter at room temperature, cut into pieces
and cottage cheese.
Mix all ingredients until a palla.Il compound is much softer than normal pastry and added a bit 'of flour to help me make the ball. The
Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for an hour.
After this time, roll out the pastry and place it in the pan.
will leave a bit 'of dough aside and instead of the usual stripes will do the molds with the cutters.
For all gourmands of the world this time is a "cult" as they say in advertising "... that the world be without Nutella ..."
So spread the pastry with Nutella plenty without touching the edges.
place on top of our molds, which are almost like biscuits
Bake at 180 degrees in 20-30 minutes depending on your oven.
Cool out of the oven.
And here is our cake ready.
I was surprised by its MORBIDEZZAA!
Simple ... but very good.
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