We love to play with and being under leavened carnival we wanted to make a cake a bit 'different. The peculiarity of these muffins is the contrast between the salt pizza dough and sweet sugar and whipped cream ...
The result is surprising, remind us a lot of the donuts on the fairs, or those seen for children in the windows of the bar ....
If you like whipped cream and you have the time available this weekend in winter, try them, needless to say that I'm pretty darn tasty!
Good weekend to all!
muffins sweetened with cream mounted
Per la pasta:
(dosi per circa 10 focaccine)
150 gr. di farina 00
100 gr. di farina manitoba
13 gr. di lievito di birra
125 ml. di acqua
½ cucchiaino sale
olio d’oliva
Per la farcia:
250 ml. di panna da montare
2 cucchiai di zucchero
zucchero semolato
cacao in polvere o cannella (a piacere)
Mettiamo sul tavolo la farina 00, aggiungiamo il sale e la farina manitoba, sciogliamo il lievito nell’acqua tiepida e incominciamo a impastare, quando l’impasto risulta amalgamato, lasciamo lievitare covered, for about 1 hour.
We now continue with the leavened dough and roll out the dough with a rolling pin to about 2 cm thick, cut with a cup of pasta disks that let rise covered for 1 hour.
We have the cream in the freezer for 5 minutes to cool it well, then we combine the sugar and the mount.
Happened the second rising, fry the disks in hot oil on both sides, turning them drain on paper towels, and passes quickly (still hot) in granulated sugar.
We just have to cut them in half, leaving attached the last part and fill with whipped cream that we can sprinkle to taste with cocoa or cinnamon.
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