Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wait Six Months Until I Get My Drivers Licence

tortellini with cream

continues the long winter and there is nothing better than a good hot meat broth with tortellini in the fabulous . Prepare as we did, it might be a fun game greedy.
to Italian tradition in many homes during the holiday season tortellini are prepared involving all the members of the family, and having regard to the origins of my Emilia "Chef" we played well and we had fun in this preparation . The result has made us a great mood!

good week everyone!

; Tortellini in broth


For the dough: 500 gr
. flour 2 eggs 00

salt water as needed

For the filling:
2 slices of pork loin
100 gr. ham crudo
100 gr. di prosciutto cotto
100 gr. di mortadella
70 gr. di parmigiano grattugiato
2 uova
noce moscata
brodo di carne

Incominciamo dalla pasta, disponiamo la farina a fontana sul tavolo aggiungendo le uova, il sale e un po’ di acqua sufficiente per l’impasto, amalgamiamo bene il tutto, formiamo una palla e la lasciamo riposare coperta mentre prepariamo il ripieno.
Tagliamo la lonza a tocchetti e la cuociamo con un po’ d’olio, sale e lasciamo raffreddare.
Tritiamo al mixer il prosciutto crudo e cotto, la mortadella e la lonza raffreddata.
Mettiamo tutto in una terrina, aggiungiamo le uova, il parmigiano, una bella grattata di noce moscata e aggiustiamo il sale. Amalgamiamo bene, se dovesse essere troppo morbido, uniamo un po’ di pangrattato.
Ora riprendiamo la pasta che nel frattempo si è riposata e tiriamo la sfoglia a macchina tagliando dei quadratini, dove metteremo una piccola pallina di ripieno, pieghiamo poi a forma di triangolino e giriamo attorno a dito per dargli la classica forma, alzando poi la codina come nelle foto.

Continuiamo così fino a esaurimento del ripieno.

When the broth boils, throw the tortellini and cook a few minutes, serve immediately with their broth, sprinkled with parmesan cheese.


Jyp Audition Do You Need To Know To Dance

Serata Molecular Mixology al Lochness

On February 8 from 21:00 at the Lochness Lounge (VIA DE-19R BENCI Piazza Santa Croce area) there will be an evening of Mixology MOLECULAR ... curata dai Mixologist GERARDO CALLIPO e CRISTIAN GUITTI.
Una serata FUSION interamente dedicata alla Molecular Mixology, un nuovo modo di concepire i cocktails, il modo in cui si preparano e il modo in cui si bevono. Seduti su divani, circondati da luci soffuse e seducenti profumi, vi sarà da scegliere uno dei particolarissimi cocktails del menu.
Alcuni esempi:AVATAR- il cocktail più bevuto dagli abitanti di Pandora, fotoluminescente e a base di litchees e vodka; TWIN TOWER - un vero e proprio cocktail crionico con una capsula di Co2 a -87 gradi che produce un fumo denso e scenografico; CSI- un cocktail da laboratorio in cui vi divertite a miscelare voi stessi con provette, siringhe e capsule.
The cocktails will be accompanied by snacks and sweets. It 's very welcome as the reservation service is guaranteed only if the actual presence of vacancies, comfortably seated and relaxed in a sofa or bench. There are about 60 seats. The Mixology MOLECULAR FUSION NIGHT starts at 21 and continues until late at night.
For info and reservations: 97 59 074 388 GERRY, CRISTIAN 54 99 340 258.
Free with drink at the table required.
consummation Price EURO 10.08.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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We love to play with and being under leavened carnival we wanted to make a cake a bit 'different. The peculiarity of these muffins is the contrast between the salt pizza dough and sweet sugar and whipped cream ...
The result is surprising, remind us a lot of the donuts on the fairs, or those seen for children in the windows of the bar ....
If you like whipped cream and you have the time available this weekend in winter, try them, needless to say that I'm pretty darn tasty!

Good weekend to all!

muffins sweetened with cream mounted


Per la pasta:
(dosi per circa 10 focaccine)
150 gr. di farina 00
100 gr. di farina manitoba
13 gr. di lievito di birra
125 ml. di acqua
½ cucchiaino sale
olio d’oliva

Per la farcia:
250 ml. di panna da montare
2 cucchiai di zucchero
zucchero semolato
cacao in polvere o cannella (a piacere)

Mettiamo sul tavolo la farina 00, aggiungiamo il sale e la farina manitoba, sciogliamo il lievito nell’acqua tiepida e incominciamo a impastare, quando l’impasto risulta amalgamato, lasciamo lievitare covered, for about 1 hour.
We now continue with the leavened dough and roll out the dough with a rolling pin to about 2 cm thick, cut with a cup of pasta disks that let rise covered for 1 hour.
We have the cream in the freezer for 5 minutes to cool it well, then we combine the sugar and the mount.
Happened the second rising, fry the disks in hot oil on both sides, turning them drain on paper towels, and passes quickly (still hot) in granulated sugar.
We just have to cut them in half, leaving attached the last part and fill with whipped cream that we can sprinkle to taste with cocoa or cinnamon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Metal Go Kart Frame Plans


Eleonora could not miss the invitation? Of course not! And thank you to delight us with his Butter and Honey, we offer a single course for its context than to the cold of these days, making sure you can warm your palate happy ...
Greetings to all and good day !

Polenta with sausage stew


For the polenta:
500 gr. corn flour ½
1 liter of water and salt

For the stew:
350 gr. you sausage or salami
250 gr. fagiolane of boiled
4 medium potatoes
150 gr.
fresh button mushrooms 1 clove garlic, parsley

½ onion 1 can of peeled
olive oil salt

sauté with onion, parsley and garlic that we're going to put in a pan with oil, just sizzles, add the sausage, cut into pieces and rubella.
We combine the mushrooms washed, cleaned and sliced, peeled tomatoes, mashed with a fork, also diced potatoes, salt and combine enough water to cook about an hour. Over the last ten minutes add the fagiolane. During cooking the stew we can prepare the polenta. We have to fire the water with the salt and when it is hot, pour the cornmeal, stirring with a whisk to rain because no lumps. Cook slowly for about half an hour, stirring constantly.
Cotta that is, turn it upside down on a chopping board covered with waxed paper and cut into slices.
La serviamo caldissima in piatti singoli accompagnata da questo succulento spezzatino.

Oppure, possiamo metterla in cocottine o stampini ad anello da porzione e mettere intorno e al centro lo spezzatino. Provatela è veramente goduriosa!

Con questa ricetta partecipiamo al contest di Eleonora ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Littlest Pet Shop And Lead Poisoning


Continua la nostra settimana dei contest. I nostri amici ci invitano e noi rispondiamo volentieri, sempre che il nostro tempo a disposizione non sia troppo tiranno. Oggi è la volta del contest Valerio, who with his sea in the pot could only inspire a trio of tasty fish that we really liked ...
We hope you enjoy it too ...
Greetings all!

Tris fish

sea bream fillets (1 per person)
fillets of red mullet (2 per person)
prawns (2 per person)
mussels (1 each fillet of sea bream)
walnut kernels (8 / 10 approx)
bread crumbs for breading flour for the breading

olive oil salt

parsley 1 clove garlic
white wine (1 / 2 cup)

Clean and wash all the fish.
For the fish: Prepare a breading with half walnuts and half the breadcrumbs coarsely chopped, breaded the fillets with this mixture and fry them in olive oil on both sides. Drain on paper towels, and go up slightly.
For the prawns: pass the prawns with the shell in flour and fry in olive oil, drained them on paper towels and climb slightly.
For bream : divide the fillets in half, put a mussel on each side and rolled up close with a toothpick. Mince the parsley with the garlic, place it in a pan with olive oil and just sizzles join rolled fillets, brown on both sides, going up and add some white wine. Once the wine has evaporated, the fillets are ready. We combine
all the different fish to form the trio on each plate and decorate with lemon and parsley.

Serve hot.

With this recipe we participate in the contest:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Religious Sports Quotations

Party Viola

FOR THE DAY OF CARNIVAL, March 8, 2011 (22:00 pm in Liberty Square at the coffee Deco) ALL FANS OF VIOLA, are invited to a costume party, Singing EVENT OF Bend "PURPLE WORLD" TO SPEND A NIGHT IN FUN DANCING WITH THE teasing 'against Juve, jokes, CORI, SONGS AND HYMNS OF THE YEAR 60/80 FIORENTINA.

You can enjoy pizza or dinner with friends. For reasons of space, better book early.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ontario Car Registration

Cena alla 'Vecchia Firenze'

Friday, January 14 and Saturday, January 15 2011dalle 20.00 at the restaurant 'OLD FLORENCE' Borgo Albizi 18 (Florence, of course!) There is expected to begin 'DIVINE WINE TASTING' Dinner with local products and tasting of wines exclusively produced by Rocca delle Macie Farm.
During the dinner will be explained by the production and quality of these superior wines, the combinations recommended and explained how to recognize a good wine.
Menu: Finocchiona, Sbriciolona of Scarpaccia, Lard and Buristo
VERNAIOLO Senese Chianti DOCG 2009
Pappardelle with wild boar sauce or spaghetti Puttanesca
Chianti Classico DOCG 2006
Lamb baked or grilled grilled vegetables or filet of beef with porcini Chapel
Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG 2005
Dessert in Bellavista
Price: € 25.00 all inclusive
bookings welcome
INFO: 0552340361

Can You Freeze Mason Jars

Evento 'Pinguini Polari'

22:00 Saturday, January 22, 2011, in occasion of the debut album FOO ITS PENGUINS AND POLAR will be in concert at the VIPER THEATER + Street Clerks (pop'n'roll), followed by DJ SET & folk'n'roll Beat Brides (electro-clash - electro-funk - breakbeat - fidget).
ENTRY: 7 euro or submitting your flyer before 24, 5 €.
Location: Viper Theater -via-Lombardy area Piagge - Florence.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cost For Washington Sports Club

Ristorante Pizzeria Splash

Pubblichiamo recensione di una lettrice, ci riserviamo di provare il ristorante prossimamente:

Ristorante Splash "Piscina di bellariva"

'Si mangia bene e a prezzi giusti.Il pesce costa un po' di più ma è buonissimo. Inoltre i dolci vengono fatti in casa e la pizza non è male, forno a legna'.

Lungarno Aldo Moro, 6 - Florence
(Next to Rai) -
Open for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Sunday.
Info and booking: +39 055 674200 / +39335 7227022.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Heat Pump Change Over Valve Goodman

Festa di Get Dancin in occasione di Pitti Uomo

Wednesday, January 12 from 22.30 at the CLUB SPACE (EIA PALAZZUOLO 37) GET DANCIN organizes a party for its first year. On the occasion of Pitti Immagine Uomo 79 ° GET DANCIN 'presents: PARTY OFFICIAL SWEET YEARS and presentation of the calendar MAXIM.

Modest Maternity Clothes

Serata di Salsa al Cielo Club!

next Tuesday January 11, 2011 from 22.30 at the Sky Club (formerly Palace) Via Mannelli 185 (Campo di Marte station area) there will be a TUESDAY 'LATINO with those of the Jaragua. The event takes place in Latin America's main room Main room. Entrance only € 5.00. First drink 2.00 euros. Euro 5.00 second drink.
Info: 3381545628.

Shoe Strectchers San Diego

Serata Lochness di mercoledì 12 gennaio...

point out that the Lochness Lounge Via de 'Benci (Santa Croce area) Wednesday, January 12, 2011 back the evening 'PABLO RUNBA RED WINE AND CABARET'. An evening of dancing made Geghegè, the Beatles, Balkan music, Vinicio Capossela, Rock and roll, of mazurkas and Chemical Brothers, Twist, Music carefree Italian with a good beat 60 years.
FREE ENTRY: Red and white wine at three euro, Long drinks at € 5.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Long Does It Take Melanoma To Spread


APERITORRINO BAVARIAN is the evening of Torrino (formerly the Tower Cafe), via lungarno b. Cellini 43r, Saturday 8 January 2011 between 19.00 - 22.00. There will be food in style .. and then German: Wurst, spatzle, mustard and beer directly from Munchen. And of course the inevitable Pils beer and Weiss, everything is 5 €.