Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Itchy Skin Patches From Waxing


Finger Food might be the right term for these sweets.
With Finger Food means any food that you eat with your hands and as always we Italians have now adopted the foreign word by repeating it ad infinitum. For us they are simply bonbon artichokes and the means to deliver them to meet your taste buds you choose it, hands, fork, skewer, whatever you want, the important thing is that you try to get them to taste them ...
to us and our Friends liked them very much ...

Good day to you all!

;    Bonbon  di carciofi

2 carciofi
1 spicchio d’aglio
olio d’oliva
25 gr. di burro
1 cucchiaio e ½ di farina
200 ml. i latte
1 uovo
70 gr. i parmigiano grattugiato
pangrattato q.b.

Puliamo i carciofi, li tagliamo a fettine e li mettiamo in una padella con olio d’oliva insieme a un trito di prezzemolo e aglio. Rosoliamo, saliamo e uniamo un po’ d’acqua per farli cuocere.
Nel mentre prepariamo una besciamella; facciamo sciogliere butter and flour, add milk and salt, mixing well why not lumps, bring to a boil until it thickens (should be quite firm to the normal white sauce).
When the artichokes are ready, we will add them to the sauce, adding the egg, Parmesan and bread crumbs enough to be able to form into balls with your hands. Formats
the bonbon, fry them in olive oil on both sides, turning, until golden brown, then drain on paper towels. Serve hot, warm or cold, great for an aperitif but excellent for an appetizer.


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