Saturday, March 12, 2011

Astral Projection Cutting The Cord

Serata dedicata ai Cocktails Molecolari

Presso il LOCHNESS LOUNGE BAR di Firenze (Via DE BENCI 19R) si terrà il 16 Marzo 2011 dalle ore 20:00 la serata dedicata ai cocktails 'Molecolari', la nuova tendenza del bere miscelato che sta avendo molto successo in giro per il mondo.
Ecco alcuni esempi:
-"APOLLO 13", il drink crionico,con all'interno una capsula al Co2 a -80,produce un fumo denso e spettacolare
-RED HOT FLAMBE', un drink a base di frutti di bosco flambati al momento
-INFUSO MOLECOLARE , un drink a base di birra allo zenzero e prosecco servito con delle "molecole" di liquori diversi da far esplodere sotto al palato
-WASABI, il primo Sushi-cocktail,a base and mint served with a Sake Maki shrimp
TABACO-Willy Wonka, a surprising and delicious cocktail made with tequila chilli and chocolate, topped by an 'air' tobacco
-CSI, a cocktail scene of crime.
can be fun to make the drink with test tubes, syringes, capsules.
Lochness Lounge: The entrance is libero.E 'recommended book tavolo.Senza reservation service is guaranteed but not the table. For reservations and info: GERARDO 388 9759074 - 340 5499258 CRISTIAN.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jeff Hardybelly Button Piercing


Stockfish, (his real name is Norwegian Arctic cod) should not be confused with the cod, which, besides being preserved by salting it tastes completely different even though the same fish.
Stockfish however, compared to cod, left to dry for three months outdoors in cold temperatures and dry winds typical of the Arctic areas where it is caught, and for another three months under cover in a dry and ventilated .
The best fish comes from the Lofoten islands (Norway).
While losing 70% during the drying of its consistency this fish is rich in proteins, vitamins, salts of iron and calcium, think that a pound of cod in nutritional terms, equivalent to 5 pounds of fresh fish.
To prepare the cod for cooking is necessary to keep it in cold water 4 / 5 days changing the water every four hours, at the end of this process will have increased its weight of 3 / 4 times.
As we mentioned when we proposed dried cod with mushrooms, prepare this delicacy in Portugal in 365 different ways and we in Liguria, we could not be outdone ...
A versatile dish with a strong flavor and unique.
Today we present another version of how to prepare it, the classic Ligurian ...

Happy weekend to all!

dried cod stewed

Ingredients: 800 gr

. dried cod soaked already
1 small onion 1 clove

garlic parsley 1 can of peeled 2 anchovy fillets

30 gr.
pine nuts 4 medium potatoes
100 gr.
green olives olive oil salt

Preparation: Boil the cod
We just enough to remove the skin and bone (10-15 minutes). We have
in a saucepan the olive oil, chopped onion parsley and garlic, diced potatoes, olives, anchovies, tomatoes, mashed with a fork, then add the pine nuts and dried cod that we have prepared. We go up and join two ladles of water, all rigorously cold.
We have the fire and let cuocere mescolando di tanto in tanto per circa 1 ora.
Quando l’acqua si sarà asciugata e le patate saranno morbide, lo stoccafisso è pronto per essere servito.
Possiamo accompagnarlo con polenta di mais o di semolino o semplicemente con il pane.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Current Research On Albinism


In attesa dell’arrivo della primavera oggi vi proponiamo un piatto leggero e molto semplice da preparare.
I calamari al verde sono vera bontà almeno per noi ….

Good day to you all!

Calamari with green with peas

Ingredients: 500 gr
squid 200 gr.
peas 2 cloves'
garlic white wine to evaporate

parsley olive oil

Preparation: We have a
pan with olive oil chopped parsley and garlic, we combine the squid cleaned and cut into rings, rubella, blended with white wine, add the peas and cook until peas are tender and cooked squid, possibly adding a little 'of water. Serve hot or warm.
An excellent dish mild, maritime and with the taste of spring.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Has Queen Elizabeth Ii Done


immagime taken from the web
Today is Shrove Tuesday and is anche la festa della donna. Noi siamo convinti che le donne vadano festeggiate ogni giorno, vista l’importanza che hanno sempre avuto e sempre avranno nella società, ma comunque un augurio a tutte le donne lo facciamo di cuore …

Per quello che riguarda il martedì grasso invece, vi portiamo a Nizza, città della Costa Azzurra dove si svolge una delle manifestazioni più importanti di Francia dal punto di vista carnevalesco.
La città è stata annessa alla Francia durante il periodo napoleonico poi tornata sotto i Savoia nel 1815 e definitivamente passata ai francesi nel 1860.
Insieme alla regione della Savoia, Nizza fu una sorta di compenso che la "Giovine Italia" made in some way in helping the French players Cavour and his companions in completing the Italian Risorgimento.
The link between this city and the unity of Italy was in the sign of destiny, Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in Nice in 1807, then became the hero of two worlds.
The Carnival of recalls this year the union between this city and Italy, the theme of the 2011 festival is "The King of the Mediterranean", and this year they have marched and representations Italian parade to commemorate the 150 years of ' unification of Italy.
During the fifteen days of the Carnival parades and celebrations involving participants in a fun and colorful world collegiate invading joyfully Nice, engaging his guests with more than a thousand people between dancers and musicians from all over the world who, with their skills thanks to enliven the city ; entertaining performances.
a wagon during the parade
floral floats
entertainment during the parade in the battle of the flowers that originated in 1876, away, away, has evolved over time. Today the launch of flowers in beautifully decorated floats, enhances the variety of flowers on the Riviera. On each wagon in the parade, there are models in costume on that launch up to 100 spectators. 000 flowers, creating a show unique to color and choreography.
another time of the parade
The events take place in two locations in the city, the Place Massena and the Promenade des Anglais.
The square is characterized by white and gray tiles that adorn the floor, while a beautiful by imposing fountain jet dominates the large space available for visitors.
Fountain Place Massena

The Promenade is the road instead of Nice waterfront featuring a large part of the pedestrian seafront, where tourists and locals go to stroll and enjoy the wonderful view.
View of the promenade
One thing not to be missed if you change from Nice is the Orthodox Church of St. Nicola, built nel 1912 con il benestare dello zar Nicola II per permettere ai molti nobili russi che in quel periodo andavano a svernare nella città di Nizza di professare il loro culto. La chiesa, che si rifà esattamente alla copia della cattedrale di S. Basilio sulla Piazza Rossa a Mosca, è la più grande cattedrale ortodossa russa al di fuori della Russia.

Chiesa Ortodossa
Il legame tra Nizza e l’Italia, soprattutto con la regione Liguria, lo troviamo anche in gastronomia.
Diversi piatti sono tipici della vicina terra ligure, e per noi genovesi è un po’come essere a casa. Partendo dalla Socca, in dialetto nizzardo la farinata genovese , ai Beignets de fleurs de courgettes fiori di zucchini ripieni, alle Farcis Niçois in pratica le nostre lattughe ripiene, fino alla Pichade una torta salata al pomodoro.
Un'altra specialità del luogo è il coquillages, se amate i frutti di mare e crostacei non potrete farne a meno.
Vi sono ristoranti che servono questo spettacolare piatto in grandiose porzioni ....

Anche Nizza e il suo Carnevale we think are places not to be missed ...

thank our friend Emily for providing us with photos of one of the parades this year.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where Can I Buy Grapeseed Oil In Montreal


last days of Carnival and we certainly we did not miss a trick ...
This version was born on a summer morning, when the heat and our distrust of raw eggs, led us to find an alternative to the usual tiramisu. The cream with marsala and mascarpone was a surprise of taste and delicacy, at least for us.
The end result we leave you to judge ...

good week everyone!

Tiramisu with mascarpone with marsala

Ingredients: 24

250 g finger biscuits. mascarpone
5 tablespoons dry Marsala wine (for cream)
2 tablespoons sugar and ½
cocoa powder

We have mascarpone in a bowl, we combine the sugar and 5 tablespoons Marsala wine, mixing well to incorporate everything. Steeped
quickly ladyfingers (not soak them too) in marsala stretched a bit 'of water and sugar, forming the first layer with 8 biscuits, sprinkle with the cream going on with the other two layers.

only the last layer put a layer of cream to adhere better to the cocoa powder.
Keep in refrigerator until the following day to make sure that cookies si ammorbidiscano bene e serviamo a fette.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Funny Birthday Cards For Friend Inappropriate

LONDON institutional areas parks & monuments

Ultimo appuntamento con la capitale inglese e questa volta, l’itinerario lo dedichiamo alle istituzioni, ai monumenti e ai suoi fantastici parchi.
Westminster è la zona dove prestigio, storia e potere dominano incontrastate, da Buckingham Palace residenza della regina, a Whitehall Street, passando per Downing Street, arrivando fino a Houses of Parliament, ( il parlamento ) per finire ad ammirare la cattedrale di Westminster.
Qualsiasi itinerario di visita abbiate in mente per esplorare la zona delle istituzioni londinesi, l’ideale è partire da Trafalgar Square, piazza cara ai londinesi dove si celebrano tutti grandi eventi compreso il conto alla rovescia in attesa del capodanno.

Trafalgar Square
Partendo dalla grande piazza passando per Whitehall Street, il viale dei ministeri, vi troverete nel cuore del potere londinese, il viale unisce Trafalgar Parliament Square and Westminster Abbey. In the middle of the avenue in a street called Downing Street and the exact number 10, is the residence of British prime minister, the most photographed door in England.

Image taken from the web
Parlamient results in Whitehall Square, where a fabulous glance you will see the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the Clock Tower, better known as Big Ben.
The parliament building officially Palace of Westminster is a magnificent building stands on the site where once stood the royal palace built by Edward I.
The palace has more than one thousand rooms including the House of Lords and the House of Commons, but not all are open of course, for a guided tour of the building need to book in advance.

parliament seen from the side of the Thames
Located in the north east of the palace, there is the Big Ben, the very symbol of London.
The famous Clock Tower (clock tower) is 96 meters high, built in Gothic style is a true wonder. The chronicles tell that its construction began in 1854 after the architect Charles Barry, won the competition to redesign the Palace of Westminster partially destroyed because of the famous fire of 1834.
Big Ben was completed in 1859, including interesting facts on the famous monument to report the weight of the largest bell, which reaches 13.5 tons and when he plays, his famous touch feels up to two miles away. The hour hand measures 2.7 meters long and the minute hand reaches to 4.3 meters.

A short walk from the Westminster parliament rises Abbey, the famous cathedral, one of the most important, not only in London but throughout England. Right from coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066, the abbey is the place where all coronations have taken place of royalty, and was also the burial place of many British and important commemorations of the last millennium.

Becoming Westminster is like going back in time through history, where the pillars convey the importance that the air that surrounds you breathe inside has something mystical.
The precise date of when it was built in doubt, certainly dates from the seventh century, although the current church as we see it today, was born in 1245 with Henry III taking the example of the Gothic cathedrals of France.
Leaving the cathedral and heading towards St. James Park, one of the fabulous parks of London with its lake inside, you will arrive at Buckingham Palace.
Passing through the park, located in a former swamp area purchased in 1532 by Henry VIII, then reclaimed and made the surprise today with the passage of time, you can enjoy a fantastic and vegetation along the road along the inland lake, you will almost without realizing it front of "the house of the queen"

St.James Park lake and a view of Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace as well as being the official residence of the queen is always been a landmark for British subjects, in sad moments of glory and those who lived in the kingdom during his long centuries of history. If the sovereign is the royal standard at the Palazzo it indicates its presence.
seems that the first building was erected in 1633 and ultimately the source of the current building dates from 1703, thanks to the Earl of Buckingham who used country residence of the source from which the name clearly. A descendant of the Count sold the building to King George III who made a private royal residence. Various additions were made and the building was enhanced, enriched and made more impressive, but only thanks to Queen Victoria ascended the throne in 1837, Buckingham Palace became the official residence of British monarchs. The large east wing of the palace, one that exposes the facade visible to everyone today was built after the marriage of Queen Victoria.

Buckingham Palace
The rooms of the building are 775 and 20 hectares of private park. Only some areas of Buckingham Palace are open to the public during the summer.
The famous changing of the guard instead takes place on time every day during the summer and on alternate days during the rest of the season, today it is purely a tourist spectacle that is worth to attend. Drum roll, band, marching orderly the changing of the guard is a traditional ritual that is repeated from 1660. We recommend arriving at least 40 minutes before managing to get between the front rows. The times are at 11.30 am on weekdays, Sundays at 10. In case of rain, the ceremony could be undone.

Changing of the guard
continuity between the historical and institutional, we could not forget the Tower of London.
It became a UNESCO World Heritage in 1988, the tower was built in 1078 when William the Conqueror ordered the White Tower built inside the walls.
Composed of various fortified buildings, the tower was used as a fortress, as a royal palace, a prison.
arrived today after several repeated fortifications and the tower, is a place not to be missed when visiting London. Several buildings are open including the White Tower (White Tower), the oldest building, 27 meters high and 4.5 meter thick walls was built in 20 years. A visit inside is very impressive, the second floor you will find the St. John Chapel, the oldest church in London, a real masterpiece del'architettura Norman, while the third floor you can admire the collection of armor started by Henry VIII. Among the buildings that you can see there is the Jewel House, which houses the Crown Jewels collected since 1660.
turning inside the complex of the tower will guide you to a real institution, the Yeomen Warders, the guards of the tower. These men dressed in traditional black uniforms with red borders and a cylinder head, always had the task of protecting the tower today and also to guide and control the tourists. Another difficult task assigned by the Yeomen Warders always is to protect the ravens who live in the Tower of London, which according to legend, must always be stationed at the building, "the day when there will be no more ravens in the Tower of London is not There will be no more monarchy " E 'common knowledge that since there is a tower at least six ravens have always lived in the residence.

Tower of London
Leaving the Tower of London you will certainly not miss out on the deck of the tower, the Tower Bridge. Another symbol of the city, consists of two parts fixed and mobile to allow the passage of vessels from the large tonnage once the mechanism was hydraulic pressure, the old Victorian pumps can be visited at the foot of the bridge for demonstration purposes. Since 1976, the mechanism is electric.

Tower Bridge
The two towers that house a interactive museum about the history of the bridge and its operation, are connected by a walkway suspended 47 meters high and protected by glass where you can enjoy a fantastic view of the city. Completed in 1894, the bridge is a wonderful example of Victorian engineering, 300 steps separate entry to the top of the towers but you can also use a lift.

Detail of one of the towers of the bridge
Before we finish our story about London is still a hint, do not forget if you can, make a stroll in Hyde Park, the large and popular city park where you can get to know the habits of Londoners. In 2.5 square kilometers there is a green oasis in an artificial lake created by the will of Queen Caroline in 1730 the Serpentine Lake, named due to the shape of the lake that resembles a snake.
The park is well known for its beautiful swans for even the most famous Speaker's Corner, the angle of the speakers, where anyone can express their views in a special space that stands where once there was a scaffold of executions called the gallows of Tyburn.

Map of Hyde Park
ends our story about London, a city in constant evolution that you should visit each year given the rapid changes dictated by modern times. Here we offer you some useful links suggested by his friend Barbara live there than in London and some selected by us.
book in advance you can get excellent discounts. to visit the British Museum to visit the parliament in London

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Itchy Skin Patches From Waxing


Finger Food might be the right term for these sweets.
With Finger Food means any food that you eat with your hands and as always we Italians have now adopted the foreign word by repeating it ad infinitum. For us they are simply bonbon artichokes and the means to deliver them to meet your taste buds you choose it, hands, fork, skewer, whatever you want, the important thing is that you try to get them to taste them ...
to us and our Friends liked them very much ...

Good day to you all!

;    Bonbon  di carciofi

2 carciofi
1 spicchio d’aglio
olio d’oliva
25 gr. di burro
1 cucchiaio e ½ di farina
200 ml. i latte
1 uovo
70 gr. i parmigiano grattugiato
pangrattato q.b.

Puliamo i carciofi, li tagliamo a fettine e li mettiamo in una padella con olio d’oliva insieme a un trito di prezzemolo e aglio. Rosoliamo, saliamo e uniamo un po’ d’acqua per farli cuocere.
Nel mentre prepariamo una besciamella; facciamo sciogliere butter and flour, add milk and salt, mixing well why not lumps, bring to a boil until it thickens (should be quite firm to the normal white sauce).
When the artichokes are ready, we will add them to the sauce, adding the egg, Parmesan and bread crumbs enough to be able to form into balls with your hands. Formats
the bonbon, fry them in olive oil on both sides, turning, until golden brown, then drain on paper towels. Serve hot, warm or cold, great for an aperitif but excellent for an appetizer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Letter From George Crum

Festa di San Patrizio al Pub 'La Guerrina'

On 17 March (St Patrick's Day), the party more beloved by the Irish, in the square Guerrina (V.le mortar 1 / r) at the Pub 'The Guerrina' there will be a special event dedicated to beer.
After the success of the summer Guerrina proposes the closure of the square. The pub will be open from h: 13.00, including a beer and one can browse among the stalls of a small market held on the occasion.