STOCKFISH STEW WITH GREEN PEAS Stockfish, (his real name is Norwegian Arctic cod) should not be confused with the cod, which, besides being preserved by salting it tastes completely different even though the same fish.
Stockfish however, compared to cod, left to dry for three months outdoors in cold temperatures and dry winds typical of the Arctic areas where it is caught, and for another three months under cover in a dry and ventilated .
The best fish comes from the Lofoten islands (Norway).
While losing 70% during the drying of its consistency this fish is rich in proteins, vitamins, salts of iron and calcium, think that a pound of cod in nutritional terms, equivalent to 5 pounds of fresh fish.
To prepare the cod for cooking is necessary to keep it in cold water 4 / 5 days changing the water every four hours, at the end of this process will have increased its weight of 3 / 4 times.
As we mentioned when we proposed
dried cod with mushrooms, prepare this delicacy in Portugal in 365 different ways and we in Liguria, we could not be outdone ...
A versatile dish with a strong flavor and unique.
Today we present another version of how to prepare it, the classic Ligurian ...
Happy weekend to all!
dried cod stewed Ingredients: 800 gr . dried cod soaked already
1 small onion 1 clove
garlic parsley 1 can of peeled 2 anchovy fillets
30 gr.
pine nuts 4 medium potatoes
100 gr.
green olives olive oil salt
Preparation: Boil the cod We just enough to remove the skin and bone (10-15 minutes). We have
in a saucepan the olive oil, chopped onion parsley and garlic, diced potatoes, olives, anchovies, tomatoes, mashed with a fork, then add the pine nuts and dried cod that we have prepared. We go up and join two ladles of water, all rigorously cold.
We have the fire and let cuocere mescolando di tanto in tanto per circa 1 ora.
Quando l’acqua si sarà asciugata e le patate saranno morbide, lo stoccafisso è pronto per essere servito.
Possiamo accompagnarlo con polenta di mais o di semolino o semplicemente con il pane.