Monday, December 20, 2010

Learn To Chair Dance At Home

Last year the restaurant's New Year's Eve in Villa Montalto O'Munaciello

Friday, December 31, 2010 Happy New YEAR also at the restaurant O'Munaciello :

A last year in the name of "Neapolitan" O'Munaciello the restaurant of the Holy Spirit. In addition to a menu full of culinary delights of Naples, the sprite "plump and ruddy" organized a series of initiatives (both in music and games) to entertain guests during the New Year's Eve. Starting from 22 it will stage the session live music group Two Pisces in Altomare.
December 31 Menu:
octopus with rosemary mashed potatoes
duck breast on a salad of lamb 's lettuce, hazelnuts and orange
flan cauliflower and broccoli cream
Scialatielli-produced with chicken fillets, olives Gaeta, lemon and tomatoes piennolo
Ravioli di patate su fonduta di moliterno e salvia fritta
Genovese di coniglio
Branzino agli aromi con friarielli saltati

Bignè con chantilly al gianduia
Bicchierino di panna e limone
Fondant al cioccolato

Prezzo: € 85 a persona comprensivi di acqua, caffè, la segreta rosso o bianco
(una bottiglia di vino ogni 4 persone)
Acconto per confermare 30 euro

O’ Munaciello – Ristorante-Pizzeria in Firenze (forno a legna)
Via Maffia, 31r – Quartiere Santo Spirito – tel. 055.287198
Aperto tutti i giorni (anche il Lunedì)
Prenotazione saletta “Reginella” 392.0695432 -


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