The tiramisu is a dessert that everyone loves for its intense flavor and delicato.Io do it in the original version, ie without liquor.
The ingredients we need for a pan like mine (25x20cm) are as follows:
-200 -200 grams of sponge
g mascarpone
-2 eggs
-50 grams of sugar, coffee
will separate the yolks from the whites.
Put the egg yolks in a bowl
and add sugar,
and blend well for the well to obtain a thick cream.
Whisk egg whites until stiff
and mix the cream first.
'll take the pan and cover the bottom with a little 'cream.
dipping the ladyfingers in the coffee, soaking both sides,
place them well in teglia
e ricopriremo con metà della crema.
Faremo un secondo strato con altri savoiardi bagnati nel caffè
e copriremo col resto della crema
Una spolverata di cacao amaro
e il nostro tiramisù è pronto.
Lasceremo riposare in frigorifero fino al momento di servire.
Semplicemente buono!
Technorati Tag: Dolci
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